- Video 1: Introduction to Red Light Therapy
- Video 2: How to Improve Eyesight
- Video 3: How to Melt Fat and Lose Weight
- Video 4: How to Increase Strength, Speed and Athletic Performance
- Video 5: How to Reverse Hearing Loss and Tinnitus
- Video 6: How to Build Muscle
- Video 7: How to Have More Beautiful Skin
- Video 8: How to Reverse Hair Loss & Baldness
In your first video which I enjoyed and found informative, there was a technical problem with the sync of your voice to the video. It was off-putting not to see your lips moving at the same time as the words were being spoken. But I was not bothered by this as I didn’t have to watch the video.
Now with the second video the annoyance came from the video overlay (the little picture of you on the main screen) it over-laid the video and I was unable to see and read some of the words on the screen. This was very disturbing and spoilt my understanding of some of your explanation. You covered a lot of information and I was looking forward to improving my understanding of this subject. I’ll look at again i my time and I’m sure I’ll get the gist of your messsage.
This is fascinating. I have had amblyopia since birth and no amount of patching, medical help improved it. I have been considered legally blind in my right eye since a young child. I just ordered my red light from you and I can’t wait to try it out for this and other reasons! Thank you.
Thank you for this beautiful presentation. I will be receiving the handheld device in the next day or two, if not today. I’m a 24 yr old Kenyan-born student-athlete. have Myopia (nearsighted), and I’ve had this since 9th grade. Before then, My eyes were 20/20. I think some goofy lotion I used on my face tampered my eyesight. Hopefully, RLT can save me lots of Mula from having to buy contacts for the rest of my life. This is wonderful.
Excellent. Your enthusiati.m and knowledge was good to see
Aloha, Mark,
With marvelous RLT I trust the following issues will resolve:
1- angle-closure glaucoma
2- (diabetic) retinopathy
3- Meibomian gland dysfuction & BLEPHARITIS
. blocked oil glands
. encrusted eyelids
. dry eyes
. swelling of eyelids & area
4- myodesopsia (floaters)
Your work is a wonderful gift! Thank you.
Hi Mark, I enjoyed your presentation but am not clear as to whether all of your devices offer the same amount of red light therapy as was shown in the studies to improve eyesight?
Hey Marina,
Thanks for reaching out.
All devices offered on our insiderdeals page have more power than in the studies, which means they have the potential to work even better than in studies for all applications and diseases. I hope this message was helpful.
As the red light are different in strength ( I assume) I do not know which is the best to get and are there directions on how long to use it daily and for period of time. Thanks so much.
Virginia Fair
Generally, the more wattage you can afford the better. More watts means more photons of light available to your cellular light acceptors.
Check out my #1 Amazon Bestselling book Red Light Therapy: Miracle Medicine for more information on the technology and how to use it, but generally, begin with at least 10 minutes, with the light as close to bare skin as possible. If you feel you could use more, don’t be afraid to increase treatment time for 1 hour or more. Sometimes I do 4+ hours while writing. I hope this helps.