Cannabis Oil Cures Infant of Cancer, Dissolves Inoperable Tumor

Cannabis oil cancer

An 8 month old child was treated with cannabis twice er day and within two months there was a dramatic reduction in the baby’s tumor size. According to Dr. William Courtney, the western medical mind has a very hard if not impossible time trying to understand the diverse actions of Cannabidiol. A Doctor of Medicine…

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40 Women With Breast Cancer Had This “Cosmetic Ingredient” in Their Tissues

Breast Cancer parabens

New research has detected the presence of paraben esters in 99 percent of breast cancer tissues sampled.1 The study examined 40 women who were being treated for primary breast cancer.  In 60 percent of cases, five of the different esters were present.   Parabens are chemicals with estrogen-like properties, and estrogen is one of the hormones involved…

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Man Reverses Stage IV Prostate Cancer with Baking Soda and Molasses

Baking soda cancer cure

Vernon Johnston, used baking soda and molasses as the driving force to recover from aggressive stage 4 prostate cancer, which had even metastasized into his bone matter. Vernon Johnston, used baking soda and molasses as the driving force to recover from aggressive stage 4 prostate cancer, which had even metastasized into his bone matter. As…

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Mammography: A Colossal Failure & How to Prevent Breast Cancer

Mammogram machine

“If a woman starts at age 40 with no cancer and has a mammogram every year, by the time she’s 50, she will have increased her chances of getting cancer by 33.3%.  The cumulative effect of radiation from mammograms is actually giving women cancer and noone wants us to know about that.” – Dr. Russel…

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