Cannabis Oil Cures Infant of Cancer, Dissolves Inoperable Tumor

Cannabis oil cancer

An 8 month old child was treated with cannabis twice er day and within two months there was a dramatic reduction in the baby’s tumor size. According to Dr. William Courtney, the western medical mind has a very hard if not impossible time trying to understand the diverse actions of Cannabidiol. A Doctor of Medicine…

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10 Scientific Reasons to Smile More Often

 Not only is smiling proven to be more attractive, but it can help you attain a longer life, happier disposition, and healthier body. “Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” – Thich Nhat Hanh Have you every heard the quip “It takes…

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8 Natural Home Remedies for Burns

poultice for healing burns

Do you feel the burn? Whether first, second, or third degree, burns can be quite painful. Did you know that there are numerous home remedies for burns you can utilize without taking a trip to the pharmacy? If history has taught us anything, it’s that nature provides time-tested, natural solutions for most health ailments. Hopefully,…

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‘Lemon And Baking Soda Combination Saves Lives,’ says Dr. Mark Sircus


The combination of lemon and baking soda has 10 000 times more stronger effect than chemotherapy. Why was this fact kept a secret? Being totally aware of the powerful properties lemon provides is completely opposite to the interest some world organisations have. For that reason, we recommend you share this article and help a friend…

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Garlic Cures 100 Percent of Warts In Clinical Study

A recent study was completed that found garlic to have incredible healing power against warts and corns. Published in the International Journal of Dermatology and titled “Healing Effect of Garlic Extract on Warts and Corns“, this study found that the common herb known as garlic has amazing healing properties against warts caused by the human…

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Study: New Drug Allows Adults to Learn As Quickly As Kids Do

You’re only as young as you think you are. But what if you could re-train your brain to absorb information as easily as a child can? That’s exactly what scientists testing the FDA-approved drug called valproate investigated in study of adults who had little or no musical training yet demonstrated some degree of absolute pitch,…

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Study: Therapy Dogs Boost Health of the Sick and Lonely

Most people are familiar with dogs that assist their blind or otherwise disabled owners. Therapy dogs offer a different kind of help. Some pay informal social visits to people to boost their spirits, while others work in a more structured environment with trained professionals like physical therapists and social workers to help patients reach clinical…

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Marijuana Cures this 6 Year Old Girl's 300 Seizures a Week

Marijuana Cures this 6 Year Old Girl's 300 Seizures a Week

Suffering from a rare form of epilepsy called dravet syndrome, Charlotte Figi has dealt with violent seizures since she was a newborn – as many as 300 seizures a week.  When more than a dozen pharmaceuticals failed, Charlotte’s mother tried a last resort in 2012, and began using Cannabis Oil.  Charlotte, who had been unable…

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Study: Magic Mushrooms Repair Brain Damage From Extreme Trauma

magic mushrooms repair brain damage

A new study by The University of South Florida has found that low doses of the active ingredient in magic mushrooms repairs brain damage caused by extreme trauma, offering renewed hope to millions of sufferers of PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). The study confirms previous research by Imperial College London, that psilocybin, a naturally occurring compound…

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The Healing Power of Cat Purrs

Healing power of cat purrs

Those crazy cat ladies might be onto something. According to today’s infographic, our feline friends provide us with more than just emotional support. House cats may actually be contributing to our physical well-being. When a cat purrs within a range of 20-140 Hertz, nearby humans may be therapeutically benefiting from these vibrations. Purring has been…

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