Soil Nutrients
Why Worm Composting Produces the Healthiest Soil on Earth
Compost is organic matter that has been broken down or decomposed. Food scraps, coffee grinds, paper, wood, leaves, and grass clippings are all examples of organic matter that can be composted. Compost is a key ingredient in organic farming and maintaining thriving soil fertility. There is nothing wrong with traditional composting, but when you’re goal…
Read MoreWill Work for Sugar: Mycorrhizae Dramatically Increases Plant Growth and Yields
Mycorrhizae are a soil fungi which symbiotically colonize plant roots, increasing their root system several hundred to several thousand times. By extending their fungal root systems deeper into the soil, they dramatically enhance a plant’s ability to absorb water and other nutrients. In exchange for sugar from plant leaves, mycorrhizae transport nutrients and water to…
Read MoreThe Secrets of Soil: A Miraculous, Vibrant, Living Community
When asked about soil, most people will tell you that it’s the dirt we use to grow food. Soil is not dirt – it is a vibrant, living community of organic matter and contains more living microorganisms than we even know about. It has been said that 1 million creatures exist in a tablespoon of…
Read MoreCarbon Dioxide – The Essential Nutrient that Boosts Plant Growth, Size, and Yields
If you ask people about carbon dioxide, most will tell you that its a waste product that is causing Global Warming and destroying the planet. In reality, CO2 is a planet-saving nutrient that holds the power to multiply food production and feed the entire world with exceptionally nutritious food. “The benefits of carbon dioxide supplementation…
Read MoreStudies Show Crops Enhanced with Ocean Minerals Superior in Every Way
Twentieth-century Scientist and medical doctor Maynard Murray was perplexed that although Americans were living longer than ever before, chronic illness, degenerative diseases and physiological suffering were steadily increasing. On his quest for the key to improve human health, Dr. Murray began by studying animal species that do not get cancer. Dr. Murray discovered that sea…
Read MoreBiochar Significantly Increases Plant Health and Restores Environment
The future of agriculture is to produce the highest quality, most health-giving foods possible, and in a way that benefits both the earth and its people. Through the practice of modern agriculture – and its use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, as well as the production of annual grains as staple foods – we have turned…
Read MoreHeirloom Seeds to Create a Nutritious and Delicious Food Garden
Never before has our food supply been more contaminated with pesticides, genetically modified organisms, and other chemicals that make their way onto and into our food during the growing process. Even if we buy organic, there is no guarantee that what we are getting is actually organic. The only way to know for sure is…
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