Chemotherapy: Medicine or Murder?

This article on chemotherapy is a chapter from my book Cancer Cured. If you find it helpful, please support my work and buy my book on Amazon.
Most people I’ve talked to about cancer have been highly skeptical of chemotherapy as a treatment and the cancer industry in general. This is because most of us have witnessed someone in our lives undergo chemotherapy and come out looking far worse than before receiving it. Apparently the idea of using weapons and calling them treatments does not seem to sit well with most people.
When I was 12 years old my mother died of cancer. Since then I’ve made it my goal in life to ensure that no child has to go through what I did, ever again. In order to do this we all need to take an honest look at the for-profit cancer industry and the treatments it offers. The question we need to be asking ourselves is this:
Does chemotherapy (and other mainstream cancer treatments) improve the quality of life and survival of people with cancer or not?
If they do, then we should keep using them. If they don’t, and are actually making people’s health worse, then we we need to immediately ban their use in oncology centres worldwide and find a more appropriate treatment – one that facilitates healing in patients without causing any harm.
Chemotherapy is a cancer treatment where highly-toxic chemicals are injected into patients in an attempt to kill cancer cells. The first chemotherapeutic agent ever used, which is still being administered to this day, is a derivative of the chemical weapon mustard gas, called mustargen.

Soldier with mustard gas burns on his back and arm.
The United States learned a lot about mustard gas during World War II, where damaged bone marrow and lymph tissues seen in autopsies of exposed soldiers revealed the weapon’s prime target: the immune system.1 Even more was learned about the effects of mustard gas when the US government conducted a series of secret tests on 60,000 of its own troops. National Public Radio broke the story in 2015:
“Sixty-thousand American troops served as test subjects, and about 4,000 were used in extreme tests that government studies have linked to illnesses including skin cancer, leukemia and chronic breathing problems. The test subjects were sworn to secrecy until the program was formally declassified in 1993. By then, the youngest World War II veterans were in their 60s and 70s. Many of the men in the experiments never shared the details with their families.”2
From Battlefield to Cancer Clinic
What do you do after discovering a chemical weapon that knocks out the immune system, causes cancer and makes exposed skin literally slough off the body? Naturally you dispose of it – as safely as possible – and stop its production forever. But while mustard gas has been banned on the battlefield by international treaties,3 instead of leaving this devastating poison behind us as a dark remnant of our past to be revisited only in history books – the government decided to begin injecting it into sick people with cancer.
After World War II ended, the US Department of Defense funded Dr. Goodman and Dr. Gilman of Yale University to administer mustard gas to rats and observe its effects on tumors. Their tumors regressed. They tested it on a lymphoma patient with advanced cancer and their tumors also regressed.4-6 So amazed was the medical community that a drug could cause tumor regression, that it didn’t seem to matter the patient died within a couple of months.

The beginning of the chemotherapy testing program. J. Hartwell (right) and assistant at the National Cancer Institute, circa 1950.
Interestingly, around this same time Dr. Gerson – an American physician famous for his nutritional approach to cancer, which included fresh fruit and vegetable juices, liver extract injections, thyroid hormone, coffee enemas and other nutrients – presented cases to US congress of cancer patients he had cured using his nutritional therapy.7 The world of medicine was at a fork in the road, Dr. Nicholas Gonzales explains, “it could have gone toward natural treatments, it could have gone toward synthetic. But because of that extraordinary response in a single patient that lasted a few weeks, the entire chemo industry came into fruition.”8
Warning Label for Mustargen:
“This drug is HIGHLY TOXIC and both powder and solution must be handled and administered with care. Inhalation of dust or vapors and contact with skin or mucous membranes, especially those of the eyes, must be avoided. Avoid exposure during pregnancy. Due to the toxic properties of mechlorethamine (e.g., corrosivity, carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, teratogenicity), special handling procedures should be reviewed prior to handling and followed diligently. Extravasation of the drug into subcutaneous tissues results in a painful inflammation. The area usually becomes indurated and sloughing may occur.”18
Chemotherapy vs. Cancer
It doesn’t take more than common sense to reason that injecting poison into the veins of a sick person will 1) not cure them and 2) probably make their health worse. A study published in The Lancet in 1980 found that of 78 patients who received chemotherapy, survival “was no better than that of the 80 who did not receive chemotherapy.” Furthermore, regression of tumors was found to have no impact on survival and, “survival may even have been shortened in some patients given chemotherapy,” the study reports.9
The most comprehensive review ever conducted on the efficacy of chemotherapy was completed by German epidemiologist and biostatistician Dr. Ulrich Abel. Europe’s most popular news magazine Der Spiegel, which sells over 1-million copies per week, featured Dr. Abel’s publication in a 2004 article titled Useless Poisonous Cures (Giftkur ohne Nutzen).10 In order to obtain every study and clinical trial ever published on chemotherapy, Dr. Abel sent letters to over 350 medical centers across the world; his review consisted of thousands of studies and took two years to complete.
Dr. Abel pronounced that despite new and increasingly expensive poisons being used during chemotherapy, “patients do not live a day longer” than they did 25 years prior. Overall worldwide chemotherapy success rates he said were “appalling,” and that “for most internal cancers no proof exists that chemotherapy, especially the increasingly high dose variety, increases life expectancy or improves quality of life.” Dr. Abel estimated at least 80% of chemotherapy administered throughout the world is completely worthless.11
A group of Australian scientists published a study in 2004 suggesting that far more than just 80% of chemotherapy administered is worthless. During a follow-up with cancer patients 5-years after receiving chemotherapy, the researchers determined that only 2.1% of patients in the US and 2.3% of patients in Australia were still alive – exposing chemotherapy’s astonishing 98% failure rate.12 I wonder how many of these patients would have been alive at 5-years if they hadn’t received chemotherapy.
Seeking a greater understanding of what happens inside the body after an injection of chemotherapy, scientists from Harvard Medical School and the University of Massachusetts tested 88 currently-used chemotherapeutic drugs on fruit flies in 2013. Michelle Markstein, molecular biologist and co-author of the study reported, “…several chemotherapeutics that stop fast growing tumors have the opposite effect on stem cells in the same animal, causing them to divide too rapidly.”13 By shrinking the initial tumor mass, chemotherapy deceives doctors into thinking patients are benefitting from the treatment, when in actuality, the growth and spread of cancer are being accelerated by it.
Another way of analyzing the effects of chemotherapy on human health is to look at people who were involved in producing it during times of war. Retired Japanese poison gas factory workers were evaluated 57-years after they had been manufacturing mustard gas during World War II. The study found that exposure to mustard gas “significantly increases the long-term risk of death from respiratory cancer and chronic bronchitis/emphysema.”84
For the first time ever, researchers investigated chemotherapy-induced death at a number of hospitals in the UK. Published in the esteemed journal Lancet Oncology in 2016, the study found that 8.4% of people undergoing chemotherapy for lung cancer and 2.4% of people treated for breast cancer nationwide were killed by the treatment within 30-days of administration. When they looked at the numbers from the Milton Keynes Hospital they discovered an even more startling figure: 50.9% of lung cancer patients were killed by chemotherapy within 30-days of treatment.14
Success Stories?
One Cancer Patient’s Experience with Chemotherapy:
“This highly toxic fluid was being injected into my veins. The nurse administering it was wearing protective gloves because it would burn her skin if just a tiny drip came into contact with it. I couldn’t help asking myself ‘If such precautions are needed to be taken on the outside, what is it doing to me on the inside?’ From 7 pm that evening, I vomited solidly for two and a half days. During my treatment, I lost my hair by the handful, I lost my appetite, my skin colour, my zest for life. I was death on legs,” described a cancer patient in the book Now and Then by Bob Madison.
Women Struggling to Live Normal Lives Following Chemotherapy:
Thousands of women who have received chemotherapy for breast cancer are struggling to live normal lives, reports a 2016 study published in the journal Cancer.
Just one year after treatment, 20% of women above the age of 65 were so debilitated that they couldn’t carry out basic daily tasks like walking across the room, light housework, shopping, kneeling or standing long enough to shower.15
Cancer Patient Survives Decades Until Chemotherapy:
The longest-surviving breast cancer patient of all-time was diagnosed at age 45 and lived until she was 93-years-old. Following her diagnosis, she received no treatment for 22 years, at which point doctors discovered metastatic cancer in her lungs and put her on estrogen-inhibiting drugs.
14 years later, they found cancer on her spine and put her on a different estrogen inhibitor. Years later, doctors found cancer in her liver and finally decided to try chemotherapy.
After receiving two cycles of the chemotherapy drug capecitabine, she refused further treatment due to intolerable side effects, and was dead within two years.16
Chemotherapy Additional Health Effects
Despite careful adherence to a strict set of safety protocols for handling chemotherapy drugs, including the use of personal protective equipment, more than half of nursing and pharmacy workers in a 2016 study reported complaints of dizziness simply from working with chemotherapy drugs.17

This nurse is well protected against occupational hazards of exposure to chemotherapy agents she is using a laminar flow cabinet, wearing gown, gloves, goggles and long sleeves.
Side effects of chemotherapy include, but are not limited to:
Blood Health:
- Chemotherapy decreases red blood cells (anemia)19
- Chemotherapy decreases white blood cells (leukopenia)20
- Chemotherapy decreases blood platelets (thrombocytopenia)21
Bone Health:
- Chemotherapy causes bone death (osteonecrosis)22
- Chemotherapy causes loss of bone mineral density (osteoporosis)23,24
Brain Health:
- Chemotherapy is toxic to the brain (neurotoxic)25
- Chemotherapy causes long-lasting impairment of concentration, forgetfulness and slower thinking; termed “chemobrain”26,27
- Chemotherapy causes altered consciousness28
- Chemotherapy causes degeneration of white matter in the brain (leukoencephalopathy)28
- Chemotherapy causes nerve damage (neuropathy)28
- Chemotherapy causes seizures28
- Chemotherapy causes paralysis28
- Chemotherapy causes stroke (cerebral infarction)28
Digestive Health:
- Chemotherapy causes diarrhea36
- Chemotherapy causes painful inflammation and ulceration in the digestive tract (intestinal mucositis)41
- Chemotherapy causes “significant intestinal damage in both jejunum and colon”37
- Chemotherapy reduces grip strength38
- Chemotherapy causes muscle dysfunction and a loss of overall strength39
Eye Health:
- Chemotherapy causes severe vision loss and altered color vision40
- Chemotherapy causes complete blindness41
Hair Health:
- Chemotherapy causes hair loss50
- Chemotherapy impairs wound healing51
- Chemotherapy causes “severe to profound hearing loss”52
- Chemotherapy causes chronic ringing of the ears (tinnitus)52
Heart Health:
- Chemotherapy damages the heart53
- Chemotherapy causes heart disease54
- Chemotherapy causes heart failure55
- Chemotherapy causes heart attacks (myocardial infarction)56
Immune System:
- Chemotherapy causes long-term immune system damage57,58
- Chemotherapy exacerbates existing hepatitis C infections59
- Chemotherapy reactivates hepatitis B virus60
- Chemotherapy impairs anti-tumor immune response61
Kidney Health:
- Chemotherapy causes kidney failure65
Liver Health:
- Chemotherapy causes liver injury66
Lung Health:
- Chemotherapy causes lung disease67
Mental Health:
- Chemotherapy “decreased emotional and social function and increased distress”29
- Chemotherapy causes depression30
- Chemotherapy causes anxiety31
Oral Health:
- Chemotherapy causes severe dental caries32
- Chemotherapy causes dry mouth (xerostomia), ulcers and mouth sores68
- Chemotherapy causes oral candida (fungal) infection33
- Chemotherapy causes painful inflammation and ulceration in the mouth (oral mucositis)34
- Chemotherapy causes “a diverse spectrum of oral changes that generally are attributed to immunosuppression and bleeding tendencies”35
- Chemotherapy causes neuropathic pain; burning or coldness, “pins and needles” sensations, numbness and itching69
- Chemotherapy pain remains one-year after treatment70
Quality of Life:
- Chemotherapy causes difficulty swallowing (dysphagia)71
- Chemotherapy causes nausea and vomiting (emesis)72,73
- Chemotherapy causes altered taste sensation74
- Chemotherapy causes migraine headaches75
Sexual Health:
- Chemotherapy causes infertility and premature ovarian failure;42,43 in up to 66% of women44
- Chemotherapy causes absence of menstrual period (amenorrhea)45
- Chemotherapy causes menopausal symptoms45
- Chemotherapy damages sperm and testicular tissue”46,47
- Chemotherapy reduces reproductive organ weight, sperm count and sperm motility46
- Chemotherapy causes “a significant decline in serum testosterone” 46
- Chemotherapy causes erectile dysfunction48,49
- Chemotherapy causes dermatitis: itchiness, red skin, or a rash76
- Chemotherapy reduces sleep quality77
Thyroid Health:
- Chemotherapy “blunts thyroid function”78
- Chemotherapy impairs thyroid hormone synthesis and secretion from the thyroid gland79
- Thyroid hormones “…were remarkably altered after each cycle of chemotherapy leading to decline in thyroid function…”80
Tumor Microenvironment:
- Chemotherapy increases free radicals85
- Chemotherapy increases cortisol85
- Chemotherapy increases adrenaline93
- Chemotherapy increases prolactin94
- Chemotherapy increases estrogen64
- Chemotherapy increases tumor necrosis factor-alpha62
- Chemotherapy increases interleukin 1- beta62
- Chemotherapy increases interleukin-691
- Chemotherapy increases interleukin-892
- Chemotherapy increases nuclear factor-kappa b62
- Chemotherapy increases prostaglandins86
- Chemotherapy increases nitric oxide46
- Chemotherapy increases vascular endothelial growth factor95
- Chemotherapy increases epidermal growth factor96
- Chemotherapy increases lactic acid87
- Chemotherapy increases serotonin88
- Chemotherapy increases histamine89
- Chemotherapy increases high-mobility group box 1 protein90
Urinary Health:
- Chemotherapy causes blood in the urine (hematuria)81
- Chemotherapy causes painful urination (dysuria)81
Weight Loss:
- Chemotherapy causes muscle-wasting (cachexia)82
- “Severeloss of body weight (cachexia) is a frequent cause of death in cancer patients and is exacerbated by chemotherapy”83
Timeless Quotes
“Most cancer patients in this country die of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy does not eliminate breast, colon, or lung cancers. This fact has been documented for over a decade, yet doctors still use chemotherapy for these tumors.”
– Dr. Allen Levin, The Healing of Cancer
“As a chemist trained to interpret data, it is incomprehensible to me that physicians can ignore the clear evidence that chemotherapy does much, much more harm than good.”
– Alan Nixon, Ph.D., Past President of The American Chemical Society
“Chemotherapy and radiotherapy will make the ancient method of drilling holes in a patient’s head to permit the escape of demons look relatively advanced. Toxic chemotherapy is a hoax. The doctors who use it are guilty of pre-meditated murder, and the use of cobalt and other methods of cancer treatment popular today effectively closes the door on cure.”
– Ernst T. Krebs Jr., American Biochemist (1911-1996)
“To sell chemotherapy as a ‘therapy’ is most likely the biggest deceit in the history of medicine. Whoever masterminded this chemo-torture deserves a monument in hell.”
– Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, M.D.
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