Coconut Oil: Miracle Medicine or Quack Treatment?
COCONUT IS A fruit, a seed and a nut that grows on palm trees in over 90 different countries worldwide.1 Its meat, juice, milk and oil have been staples in the diets of many cultures for generations.2
The word coconut is derived from the 16th century Portuguese and Spanish word coco, meaning “head” or “skull,” because the three indentations on its hairy shell resemble a face.3
Coconut oil consists of about 93% saturated fat, 4% monounsaturated fat and 3% unsaturated fat.4 Understanding the role of dietary fat in health and disease is essential for understanding cancer.
Saturated vs. Unsaturated Fat
Due to its high content of saturated fatty acids, coconut oil is stable and protected from reacting with oxygen (oxidation). Romanian researchers tested the stability of coconut oil in 2012 by storing it at room temperature for one full year. When the year was up, they analyzed the coconut oil and found, “The physic-chemical oxidation of this oil keeped [sic] at room temperature was negligible.”5 In other words, coconut oil can sit at room temperature for at least a year without becoming rancid, making it “suitable for the preservation of medicinal plants and for wound treatment”6 and desirable to commercial interests such as baking industries, processed foods, infant formulae, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.7 Since coconut oil is one of the least vulnerable dietary oils to oxidation and free-radical formation, “…it is therefore the safest to use in cooking,” wrote scientists from Columbia University in 1992.8
Conversely, unsaturated fatty acids are highly unstable and easily react with oxygen.9 When an unsaturated fatty acid is oxidized, a number of toxic breakdown products can be formed;10 including prostaglandin E2, which “dominantly enables progressive tumor growth.”11,12 Unsaturated fats include oils that are liquid at room temperature like corn, soy, canola, hemp, flax, sunflower, safflower, peanut and fish oil. In 1990, researchers demonstrated that feeding 20% corn oil diets to rats produced more prostaglandin E2 than feeding them diets containing 19% coconut oil and 1% corn oil.13
Interestingly, the most unsaturated of all dietary fats – omega-3 and omega-6 – are the ones that health ‘authorities’ (and corporations selling them) claim are essential. In 1981, researchers from the University of Texas Health Science Center discovered that by not feeding mice any ‘essential’ fatty acids, autoimmune disease was prevented and their lifespans were increased.14 Looking at the immune system, we find that unsaturated fats inhibit anti-cancer immunity and saturated fats promote anti-cancer immunity.95,250
Experiments have shown that unsaturated fatty acids inhibit the growth of the human fetus15 and, in the absence of omega-3 and omega-6, both short-term and long-term memory of the fetus are improved.16 In a 2016 study, Taiwanese scientists reported that ‘essential’ unsaturated fats from fish oil (omega-3) are toxic to the aging brain,17 and as it turns out: fish oil isn’t even good for fish! Researchers who fed salmon highly unsaturated fat diets “enriched” with DHA or EPA in an experiment from 2003 discovered, “an increased incidence of oxidative stress” in the livers of the fish.18
The detrimental effects of unsaturated fats on the heart build an even stronger case for its dietary avoidance. “Atherosclerotic plaques readily incorporate n-3 [omega-3] PUFAs from fish-oil supplementation”19 and continued consumption leads to a linear increase in arterial plaque buildup.20 “Men advised to eat oily fish, and particularly those supplied with fish oil capsules, had a higher risk of cardiac death,”21 reported UK researchers in 2003.
To put it into perspective, New Zealand researchers conducted a 2014 review on the use of fish oil supplements based on 18 random controlled trials and 6 meta-analysis’ published between January 2005 and December 2012. Of 16 publications that focused on the relationship between fish oil supplementation and cardiovascular health, only two reported benefits from fish oil. 22
Saturated Fat Protects the Heart
One of the many popular myths taught in school and on television is that saturated fat causes heart disease. Examining the diets and subsequent health of native cultures worldwide reveals a very different reality. People living in the country of Azerbaijan are famous for being long-lived; the most famous among them, according to Soviet authorities, was Shirali Muslimov, who died at the age of 168 in 1973.23 A 1991 study on the Azerbaijani people revealed their dietary staples were fresh fruit, vegetables and fermented milk products. Perhaps most importantly, their diets contained a low ratio of unsaturated to saturated fats.24
The island-dwelling Polynesian populations near the equator known as Pukapuka and Tokelau obtain 63% and 34% of their nutrition from coconut, respectively. A 1981 study revealed that despite consumption of large quantities of saturated fat, their rates of cardiovascular disease were nearly non-existent. “Vascular disease is uncommon in both populations and there is no evidence of the high saturated fat intake having a harmful effect in these populations.”25
In 1978, Sri Lankan’s were consuming coconut oil as their main dietary fat and had the lowest death rate from ischemic heart disease in the world.26 “All available population studies show that dietary coconut oil does not lead to high serum cholesterol nor to high coronary heart disease mortality or morbidity rate,” concluded American and Filipino researchers in 1992.27
For decades the belief that ‘saturated fat causes heart disease’ has been echoed as if it were fact, yet scientific studies have never proven a link between saturated fat intake and cardiovascular disease.28 In 2013, Cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra of the Croydon University Hospital in London, England wrote, “The mantra that saturated fat must be removed to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease has dominated dietary advice and guidelines for almost four decades. Yet scientific evidence shows that this advice has, paradoxically, increased our cardiovascular risks.”29 Two years later, another study was published in the highly-esteemed British Medical Journal that concluded, “Saturated fats are not associated with all-cause mortality, cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease, stroke, or type 2 diabetes…”30 Dietary saturated fats protect the heart and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.31
Coconut Oil vs. Cancer
It has been known since at least 1945 that unsaturated fats are strong promoters of tumors and that saturated fats, like coconut oil, protect against tumor formation. When scientists from the University of Wisconsin fed rats a 5% corn oil diet for 6 months, 80% of the rats developed tumors. When they fed another group of rats a diet containing 4.7% hydrogenated (100% saturated) coconut oil, “no liver tumors developed by 6 months.”32
A few decades later, researchers compared the effects of either 20% safflower oil or 20% coconut oil diets on tumor growth in mice. After four months, “the high-oleic safflower oil group had significantly more tumors than did the coconut oil group.”33 Since then, research has repeatedly demonstrated that tumor-induced animals fed the least amount of unsaturated fats formed the least amount of tumors.36,39-42,90-92,95
A Closer Look…
- A 1992 review from Michigan State University reported, “as the fat content of the diet is increased from a low or standard level to a high level, a consistent and substantial increase in the development of rodent mammary gland tumors is observed.” This effect was found to be largely dependent on the type of fat consumed. “High dietary levels of unsaturated fats (e.g., corn oil, sunflower-seed oil) stimulate this tumorigenic process more than high levels of saturated fats (e.g., beef tallow, coconut oil).”40
- A group of researchers from the University of South Carolina examined the effects of high fat diets on rats induced with colon cancer in 2016. Published in the American Journal of Physiology, “we found an inverse association between SF [saturated fat] content and tumor burden.” In other words, the more saturated the fat fed to rats, the less colon tumors they developed. Furthermore, “we found that high SF [saturated fat] content was protective,” and “there was a decrease in mortality in mice consuming the highest concentration of SFAs [saturated fatty acids].”42
Both the type and the amount of fat are important considerations when devising a cancer-preventive diet. Low fat diets and high saturated fat diets both represent a low intake of unsaturated fat and are therefore similarly effective in preventing tumor formation; the less unsaturated fat in the diet, the less likely a tumor will form.
Beginning in 1978, a series of studies were published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute that looked at the effects of dietary fat on tumor growth. Their conclusions were as follows:
1978: “Compared to animals fed diets rich in safflower oil, animals that ate coconut oil-rich diets survived longer.”34
1981: “…the higher tumor yields were associated with increased unsaturation of mammary tissue phospholipids.”35
1984: High-fat corn or safflower oil diets produced more colon tumors in mice than low-fat corn or safflower oil diets. Olive oil, coconut oil and MCT had “no promoting effect on tumor incidence”37
1986: Rats fed high-fat safflower or corn oil diets “exhibited enhanced mammary tumor yields” compared to animals fed high-fat olive, coconut or low-fat diets.38
The National Cancer Institute, “the nation’s leader in cancer research,”251 published these studies in what was at the time their official journal. Why wasn’t the public notified of these findings? If they had been, tens of millions of lives could have been saved and the “war on cancer” would be long over. The blood cannot be washed from their hands.
Success Stories
Entrepreneur Julie Figueroa of Maryland, Ohio was running a computer company in New York and owned an internet company in the Philippines in 1998. That same year she had an annual checkup with her doctor and was given a clean bill of health. “A few months later I began feeling a strange sensation in my breast late October that developed into a sharp pain.” She went back to her doctor and was immediately referred to an oncologist for testing. “I was told I had a very aggressive form of breast cancer and needed surgery immediately.” With no history of cancer in Julie’s family, this news came as a shock to her. “Before going through with the mastectomy I wanted a second opinion.”
Julie went to a second specialist but they told her the same thing. She kept trying to find a doctor who would give her a better option and “finally, the fifth doctor told it to me straight, ‘you don’t have a choice. We don’t even know if we can still save you. You are at stage 4, the most serious stage, we need to do the surgery immediately.’”
Julie went through with the operation to remove her breast and afterwards underwent several months of chemotherapy. Doctors told her the cancer was under control but wasn’t completely gone so they kept her on medication afterwards. Julie decided to go back to the Philippines where she owned a farm that happened to be filled with coconut palm trees.
In 2011, she began to experience painful headaches; “They became so severe that I felt like the bones in my skull were being fractured.” She went to her doctor in the Philippines and had an x-ray taken. When she went back the next day for her results, several doctors met with her and said they had never seen anything like the cancer she had. “Almost half my skull looks like cheese that had been eaten by rats,” described Julie. When she asked what her chances of survival were, they replied, “In the Philippines, at your stage… none.”
Julie took the next flight back to the United States and went to see her doctor that same day, who scheduled her for emergency surgery to remove the hairline cancer close to the main artery of her brain. Unfortunately, 20% of the cancer was in the back of her skull over her main artery and could not be removed. “My chances of survival were grim. I knew I’d better make the most of the time I had remaining.”
After several months of recovery following surgery, Julie returned to her farm in the Philippines to visit her family. “I was really weak and would just sit on the hill watching the farmers work among the coconut trees planting coffee seedlings.” She knew she needed to do something to strengthen her immune system and wanted to plant a medicinal herb garden. “I started doing research on what medicinal plants I should grow that would boost my immune system…Just about that time, I came across some research on coconut oil.” She read about the clinical trials in the Philippines where coconut oil was used to cure AIDS patients and figured it might also work for her.
“I started taking 3 to 4 tablespoons of oil a day plus whatever I used in preparing my meals,” she explained. “I would add it to my oatmeal in the morning, put it in my hot chocolate, cook my meals in it. I also snacked on fresh coconut and drank coconut juice.”
By July, Julie hadn’t been back for a checkup in nearly six months and was asked to return home. She flew back to the US and to the complete surprise of her doctors, her cancer was in remission. They asked her what she had done. “I told them I found a cure: virgin coconut oil.”
As a child, Julie had grown up around coconut trees in the Philippines. Her grandmother used to make coconut oil from fresh coconuts, but she never used it because she was told saturated fats were unhealthy. So instead her family used corn and soybean oil. “I had coconut oil around me all my life. It took getting cancer and a desperate search for a cure that made me rediscover this miracle oil.”43
Additional Health Effects
- Lipolyzed coconut oil inhibits growth of clostridium difficile bacteria44
- Coconut oil inhibits growth of staphylococcus aureus bacteria45
- Coconut oil exhibits “significant antifungal activity” 46,47
- Coconut oil increases antioxidant status in rats48,49
- Coconut oil reduces damage caused by numerous poisons,50-52 including chemotherapy53
- Coconut oil reduces viral load of HIV patients54,55
- Coconut oil reduces inflammation in arthritis-induced rats56
Bone Health:
- Coconut oil maintains bone structure and prevents bone loss57,58
Brain Health:
- Coconut oil improves brain function in patients with Alzheimer’s disease59
- Coconut oil drastically improves life of 74-year-old man with Parkinson’s60
Dental Health:
- Coconut oil pulling decreases plaque formation and gingivitis62,64
- Coconut oil pulling inhibits streptococcus mutans in saliva63
- Coconut oil prevents diabetes in rats chemically-induced with diabetes65
- Virgin coconut oil prevents insulin-resistance in rats66
- Coconut oil with exercise training improves impaired baroreflex sensitivity67
- Virgin coconut oil can safely be used as eye drops68
- Coconut oil improves skeletal growth and fecal scores in jersey calves69
- Replacing 75% of dietary soybean oil with coconut oil reduces fat in broiler chickens70
Food Industry:
- Ionizing radiation (used for food preservation) “had little effect on the fatty acid compositions of saturated fats (lard and coconut oil)… but caused destruction of 98% of the highly unsaturated acids…”71
- Coconut oil prewash conditioner prevents cuticle damage caused by wet combing72
- Coconut oil conditioner prevents hair damage caused by bleaching and exposing hair to boiling water for 2 hours73
- Coconut oil and anise spray “significantly more effective” than the most commonly used lice shampoo permethrin74
- Coconut oil applied topically to wounds accelerates healing75
Heart Health:
- Coconut oil prevents blood pressure elevation and improves blood vessel function76
Immune System:
- Unsaturated fat inhibits anti-cancer immunity95,250
- Coconut oil maintains anti-cancer immunity95,250
Liver Health:
- Coconut oil protects liver from chemical damage249
- Coconut oil helps maintain a healthy metabolism77
- Coconut oil (2 tablespoons per day for 12 weeks) reduces waist circumference;78,79 body weight, body mass index and neck circumference80,81
Radiation Protective:
- Coconut oil blocks out about 20% of UV rays82
- Coconut oil massage improves weight gain in newborns61
Sexual Health:
- Coconut oil increases testosterone253
- Coconut oil topically treats patients with atopic dermatitis83
- Partially-hydrogenated coconut oil diet more-than doubles sleeping time in sleep-deficient mice84
Tumor Microenvironment:
- Coconut oil decreases free radicals259
- Coconut oil decreases serum free fatty acids140
- Coconut oil decreases prostaglandins254
- Coconut oil decreases nitric oxide254
- Coconut oil decreases tumor necrosis factor alpha103,254
- Coconut oil decreases interleukin-1260
- Coconut oil decreases interleukin-6254
- Coconut oil decreases interleukin-8106
- Coconut oil decreases nuclear factor kappa b230
- Coconut oil decreases estrogen255
- Coconut oil decreases lactic acid256
- Coconut oil decreases serotonin257
- Coconut oil decreases histamine258
Medium-Chain Triglycerides
Depending on growing conditions, anywhere from 55-72% of coconut fat consists of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). The four types of MCTs in coconut oil are caproic (0-0.8%), caprylic (5-9%), capric (6-10%), and lauric acids (44-52%).85,86
Medium-chain triglycerides have been described as fats that are rapidly absorbed and oxidized.87-89 The fact that they can be used by the body as efficiently as glucose87 makes them a great alternative fuel source. “Because of their smaller molecular size, MCTs require less bile and pancreatic juices for digestion and absorption than LCTs [Long Chain Triglycerides].” Aside from coconut and palm kernel oils, MCTs are found in only one other place in nature – milk.87
Medium-Chain Triglycerides vs. Cancer
Tumor-bearing mice fed diets high in MCTs were found to have reduced levels of the enzyme fatty acid synthase and also reduced acetyl CoA, similar to tumor free mice, suggesting cancer cell metabolism was restored back to that of normal cells.94
Inflammatory cytokines nuclear factor kappa b (NF-κB) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a) both play major roles in the development of cancer.99-101 A single dose of corn oil “rapidly activates” NF-κB, which “triggers production of low levels” of TNF-a.102 Interestingly, replacing just 50% of unsaturated fatty acids with MCTs is enough to inhibit the production of TNF-a.103
Interleukin-8 (IL-8), a well-known tumor-growth promoting inflammatory cytokine104 is “substantially increased” in a number of different types of cancer cells.105 “We found for the first time that caprylic acid and MCT suppress IL-8 secretion by Caco-2 cells [colon cancer cells],” reported Japanese researchers in 2002.106
Up to 90% of patients with advanced cancer are affected by anorexia and many also suffer from muscle-wasting (cachexia).252 In mice with induced colon tumors, MCTs shrank tumors and prevented muscle-wasting.91,93
Vitamin D3 dissolved in MCT inhibits the growth of cancer in vitro and in dogs “significantly greater” than Vitamin D3 alone.96,97
And in cancer patients following surgery for gastrointestinal cancer, MCT and protein-enriched nutrition enhanced recovery and reduced their length of hospital stay.98
Studies suggest that about 25-30 grams of MCTs can be tolerated at a single meal and that larger amounts may cause gastrointestinal symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, bloating, gastrointestinal discomfort, abdominal cramps and diarrhea.222 In MCT-treated patients with Alzheimer’s disease, “adverse events observed were mild and included minor gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea, dyspepsia, and flatulence.”128
In one study, 56 grams of MCTs were consumed every day for 24 weeks with no reported side effects,135 and several clinical trials have reported the safety of MCT consumption as high as 1g/kg.223
Success Stories
· A 24-year-old woman had a tumor of her lymph nodes that was blocking her lymphatic system and resulted in a recurrent milky fluid leaking into her abdominal cavity (chylous ascites). She was told to restrict fat in her diet and was supplemented with medium-chain triglycerides. At the time her case study was published, she was alive and had been free of abdominal leakage for 2 years.107
· Two female brain cancer patients were put on diets containing 60% medium-chain triglycerides for 8 weeks at the University Hospital of Cleveland. Within one week, the growth, spread and progression of cancer in both patients was halted by the diet. “One patient exhibited significant clinical improvements in mood and new skill development during the study. She continued the ketogenic diet for an additional twelve months and remained free of disease progression.”108 |
Additional Health Effects
- MCTs prevent free radical formation caused by alcohol109
- MCTs prevent alcohol-induced liver injury110,111
- “A diet enriched in saturated fatty acids effectively reverses alcohol-induced necrosis, inflammation, and fibrosis despite continued alcohol consumption.” 112
- MCTs inhibit staphylococcus aureus,113 escherichia coli,113 and clostridium difficile bacteria114
- MCTs inhibit malassezia fungi116
- MCTs prevent death caused by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in rats; “All rats given corn oil died after LPS administration” 117
- MCTs reduce oxidative stress caused by surgery118
- MCTs inactivate HIV-1,119 HIV-2,119 herpes simplex virus type 1,115 respiratory syncytial virus,115 group b streptococcus virus115 and haemophilus influenza virus.115
- MCTs prevent diarrhea/wasting caused by HIV virus120,121
- MCTs reduce seizures, obesity, improve brain function and behavior, increase IQ 70-points and cure child of autism123
Bone Health:
- MCTs improve calcium absorption124,125
Brain Health:
- MCTs have “long-lasting cognition-enhancing effects in aged dogs” 126,127
- MCTs enhance memory131 and cognition132 in humans
- MCTs improve brain function in patients with Alzheimer’s disease128-130,133
Dental Health:
- MCTs inhibit periodontal pathogens135
- MCTs detoxify drugs from bloodstream136
- MCTs improve insulin sensitivity137-139
- MCTs stimulate insulin secretion141-143
- MCTs and exercise synergistically reduce visceral and subcutaneous fat accumulation144
The effects of MCTs on exercise performance in animals and humans have been thoroughly tested, yet the results are extraordinarily inconclusive. Taken before or during endurance exercise and with or without carbohydrates – three studies showed MCTs increase performance,146-148 four showed MCTs provide no performance enhancement,148-151 and two showed MCTs actually have a negative effect on performance.152,153
As I understand it, a healthy person will store carbohydrates in their liver and muscles (called glycogen), and after carbohydrates in the blood have been used up during exercise, glycogen stores will be used for fuel.
Once glycogen has been depleted, the body will begin breaking down its own muscle and fat tissues for fuel. Like strapping a hybrid fuel tank onto a car, the question is – can MCT ingestion delay the depletion of glycogen and thereby expand the body’s useable energy supply?
Four studies found that MCT ingestion before or during exercise reduces glycogen depletion,154-157 and five found that MCT ingestion during exercise doesn’t reduce glycogen depletion and thus has no additive effect on overall energy reserves.158-162
South African researchers conducted a review on MCTs for performance enhancement in 1998 and concluded, “In the search for strategies to improve athletic performance, recent interest has focused on several nutritional procedures which may theoretically promote FA [fatty acid] oxidation, attenuate the rate of muscle glycogen depletion and improve exercise capacity… At present, there is insufficient scientific evidence to recommend that athletes either ingest fat, in the form of MCTs, during exercise…”163
- Feeding pigs diets containing 15% MCTs “resulted in a lower mortality of newborns and better development, particularly of underweight piglets” 164
- MCTs enhance wound healing165
- MCTs help young male survive point-blank .32 caliber gunshot wound166
Heart Health:
- MCTs improve heart function168-172
Immune System:
- MCTs enhance immune system173,176
- MCTs prevent immune system damage caused by soybean oil174,175
- MCTs reduce inflammation caused by fish oil122
Intestinal Health:
- MCTs reduce incidence of colitis in mice177,178
- MCTs decrease gut inflammation179,180,183
- MCTs reduce mortality and improve symptoms of Waldmann’s disease181,182
- MCTs cause weight loss in cats193
- MCTs increase satiety and reduce food intake196,197
- MCTs reduce body fat accumulation194,195,198,199,200-205
Medium-chain triglycerides have been demonstrated to increase resting energy expenditure (metabolism) in all animal studies184-186 and most human studies,187-191 for up to 24 hours;192 meaning additional energy will be burnt for a full 24-hours by doing nothing other than eating MCTs.
Radiation protective:
- MCTs reduce damage caused by ionizing radiation206
- MCTs eliminate chylous ascites caused by pelvic irradiation207
- MCTs during pregnancy reduce chances of obesity in offspring later in life134
- MCTs heal cardiomyopathy and normalize liver function in a newborn baby167
- MCTs increase metabolic rate, cheek skin temperature and total sleep time in newborn babies219
- MCTs significantly reduce seizures in animals, children and adults208-216
- MCTs increase skin hydration217
- MCTs increase thermogenesis in rodents;87 (thyroid hormone is responsible for thermogenesis221)
- MCTs stop eye bleeding after retinal surgery220
- MCTs preserve dissolved drugs and increase transdermal drug delivery218
Lauric Acid
While only 2-5% of the fatty acids in cow’s milk are lauric acid, coconut oil is comprised of almost 50% lauric acid.224-226
Lauric Acid vs. Cancer
All saturated fatty acids have antimicrobial properties to varying degrees;233 and lauric acid has a greater antimicrobial potency than all other saturated fatty acids found in nature.234
Studies testing lauric acid specifically on cancer are limited, but the ones that have been conducted are promising. Australian researchers from the University of Adelaide compared the effects of lauric acid vs. short-chain fatty acid butyrate (a saturated fat found in butter) on two types of colon cancer cells in 2013. The results showed, “Lauric acid induced apoptosis in Caco-2 (p < 0.05) and IEC-6 cells” while butyrate did not. 227
In 2012, Chinese researchers from Wuhan University reported that overexpression of the gene Cytochrome P450 promotes the growth of human breast cancer cells and that lauric and myristic acid suppress the overexpression of this gene.228
One method of reducing cancer growth is to inhibit the pro-inflammatory cytokine nuclear factor kappa b (NF-κB)229 and lauric acid happens to be a NF-κB inhibitor.230
Additional Health Effects
- Lauric acid is effective for treating acne231,232
- Lauric acid inhibits heliobacter pylori235
- Lauric acid inhibits growth of candida albicans236,237
- Lauric acid-enriched rice bran oil a more potent antioxidant than rice bran oil alone238
- Lauric acid inhibits vesicular stomatitis virus239
- Lauric acid inhibits junin virus240
Dental Health:
- Lauric acid inhibits oral bacteria242
- Lauric acid reduces depression241
- Lauric acid “may protect against diabetes-induced dyslipidemia”243
- Lauric acid enhances sustainable power generation of microbial fuel cell by 3.9-times244
- Lauric acid and myristic acid increase breast muscle size of broiler chickens245
- Lauric and oleic acids improve yolk quality of laying hens246
- Lauric, capric, myristic, palmitic and stearic acids prevent seizures247
- Lauric acid enhances absorption of medication through shed snake skin248
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