A Growing Number of Mothers Painfully Regret Circumcising Their Children

sad mother circumcised her son and regrets it

“… I’m angry at myself.  I’m angry at our society that condones and promotes this genital mutilation… I just now realized that my son’s circumcision wounded me as well as him.  I carry his pain as well as my guilt,” said one mother. Not only is circumcision damaging to a baby’s physical and emotional health,…

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8 Negative Effects of Male Circumcision on Female Sexuality

Male circumcision has not only developmental and lifelong emotional consequences for the man, but several studies uncover the negative impact of male circumcision on female sexuality. The mutilation and removal of the foreskin from a baby boy’s genitals has lifelong repercussions for his physical and emotional well being, and also for all relationships and female…

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