Posts Tagged ‘dentist’
50 Reasons to Oppose Water Fluoridation by Dr. Paul Connett
You’re about to find out 50 reasons why you should oppose water fluoridation and politicians who think they have the right to poison your water supply against your will. By Dr. Paul Connett Professor of Chemistry St. Lawrence University, NY 13617 315-229-5853 1) Fluoride is not an essential nutrient. No disease has ever been…
Read MoreTop 10 Most Dangerous Toothpaste Ingredients
Toothpaste is one item that nearly everyone uses today, but what makes this concoction so special? Whether you brush your teeth once per day or three times per day, chances are that you’ve never taken the time to read that ingredient list. Even though toothpaste (in some form or another) has been around as long…
Read MoreTen Shocking Facts about Mercury Amalgam Fillings
Mercury is the second most toxic substance known to man and yet mainstream dentists routinely put mercury amalgam permanently into the mouths of patients to fill their teeth. Dental amalgam fillings, which uses a 50% mercury base combined with other metals, is one of the most common types of exposure. Research proving the extensive damage…
Read More97% of Terminal Cancer Patients Previously Had This Dental Procedure
Do you have a chronic degenerative disease? If so, have you been told, “It’s all in your head?” Well, that might not be that far from the truth… the root cause of your illness may be in your mouth. There is a common dental procedure that nearly every dentist will tell you is completely safe, despite the…
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