700 Chemicals in Average Human Body, and How Sweating Can Detoxify Them


A study published in 2008 reported that 90-95% of cancer cases are caused by environmental toxins, and that cancer can be prevented with major lifestyle changes. With more than 77,000 chemicals in active production in North America, scientists estimate that everyone alive today carries within their body at least 700 chemicals, most of which have…

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Harvard Study Confirms Fluoride Reduces Children’s IQ

low IQ

A recently published Harvard University study analysis funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has concluded that children who live in areas with highly fluoridated water have “significantly lower” IQ scores than those who live in low fluoride areas. In a 32-page report that can be downloaded free of charge from Environmental Health Perspectives,1…

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Yoga Mats Off-Gas 108 Different Toxic Chemicals

Yoga Mats toxic

Lurking in your yoga mat is highly toxic chemicals which offgas and can be absorbed through inhalation. With increased interest in yoga also comes an increase in the numbers of PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) yoga mats sold across the country. Completely at odds with the yoga philosophy of a healthy planet, PVC yoga mats off-gas some…

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10 Benefits of Using a Shower Filter

chlorine shower filter

If you shower in municipal tap water that has been chlorinated, you could be slowly poisoning yourself by breathing in toxic chlorine vapors. Bacteria and pathogens are removed from most municipal water supplies using chlorine.  The problem is, after chlorine is added and its job is done, it is not removed before it re-enters the…

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Over 100 Toxic Chemicals Released from Vinyl Shower Curtains

Shower Curtains

As many as 100 toxic chemicals associated with adverse health effects are released into the air from PVC vinyl shower curtains according to “Volatile Vinyl: The New Shower Curtain’s Chemical Smell.” These chemicals make up that “new shower curtain smell” unique to PVC vinyl shower curtains and shower curtain liners. Is Showering Harmful? “Taking a…

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Study: Sweating Detoxifies Dangerous Metals and Petrochemicals

Sweating detoxifies chemicals

New research is revealing something remarkable about why the body sweats. Beyond its obvious role in regulating body temperature, sweating has been found to facilitate the elimination of accumulated heavy metals and petrochemicals, indicating that if we want to be healthy we should put regular effort into doing more sweating.  Sweating has long been known…

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