Cannabis Oil Cures Infant of Cancer, Dissolves Inoperable Tumor

Cannabis oil cancer

An 8 month old child was treated with cannabis twice er day and within two months there was a dramatic reduction in the baby’s tumor size. According to Dr. William Courtney, the western medical mind has a very hard if not impossible time trying to understand the diverse actions of Cannabidiol. A Doctor of Medicine…

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13 Studies Show Why Lemon is a Powerful Medicine

lemon powerful medicine

Lemon is a tart, exciting, delicious and indispensable ingredient in recipes and beverages. But did you know that scientists have identified lemon as a powerful medicine? The most powerful healing substances on this planet are masquerading as foods, and this is all the more true for fruits.  Here are 12 reasons why it deserves respect…

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Food Grown on Rooftops in Montreal, Canada Feeds Thousands of People

Lufa Farms Montreal

In 2011, a company from Montreal, Quebec, Canada grew their very first vegetables from the world’s first commercial rooftop greenhouse.  Today, they feed 2,000 people with fresh vegetables harvested locally, and on the exact same day.  For most people rooftops are an ignored space, but not for CEO Mohamed Hage.  He created Lufa Farms with…

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Will Work for Sugar: Mycorrhizae Dramatically Increases Plant Growth and Yields


Mycorrhizae are a soil fungi which symbiotically colonize plant roots, increasing their root system several hundred to several thousand times.  By extending their fungal root systems deeper into the soil, they dramatically enhance a plant’s ability to absorb water and other nutrients. In exchange for sugar from plant leaves, mycorrhizae transport nutrients and water to…

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Marijuana Cures this 6 Year Old Girl's 300 Seizures a Week

Marijuana Cures this 6 Year Old Girl's 300 Seizures a Week

Suffering from a rare form of epilepsy called dravet syndrome, Charlotte Figi has dealt with violent seizures since she was a newborn – as many as 300 seizures a week.  When more than a dozen pharmaceuticals failed, Charlotte’s mother tried a last resort in 2012, and began using Cannabis Oil.  Charlotte, who had been unable…

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Turmeric Alternative Cancer Treatment: Your Complete Guide

Turmeric alternative cancer treatment

“Curcumin acts against transcription factors, which are like a master switch. Transcription factors regulate all the genes needed for tumors to form. When we turn them off, we shut down some genes that are involved in the growth and invasion of cancer cells.” – Bharat Aggarwal Turmeric is an orange-colored Indian spice that has been…

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8000 Chemicals Used to Produce Fabric used in Clothing


An estimated 8000 chemicals are used to transform raw materials into fabric – all of which could be damaging your health if you wear conventional clothes. “Often, the clippings from fabric mills are so loaded with dangerous chemicals they are handled like toxic waste,” states German Chemist Michael Braungart, “while the products made from these…

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Top 10 Cannabis Studies the Government Wished it Had Never Funded


It turns out, it’s not just people who do stupid things that they end up regretting – governments do them too!  One such regret is the public funding of scientific research showing that cannabis is both safe and effective for a myriad of diseases.   We’ve come a long way since the days of Reefer Madness…

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Study: Exercise – Nature’s Medicine for Depression

Exercise – Nature's Medicine for Depression

“If exercise could be put in a pill it would be the number one anti-aging medicine and the number one anti-depression medicine.” – Dr. Robert N. Butler According to the World Health Organization, depression is the leading cause of disability in the United States and Canada, ahead of heart disease and cancer.  Common wisdom tells…

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