Why Worm Composting Produces the Healthiest Soil on Earth


Compost is organic matter that has been broken down or decomposed.  Food scraps, coffee grinds, paper, wood, leaves, and grass clippings are all examples of organic matter that can be composted.  Compost is a key ingredient in organic farming and maintaining thriving soil fertility. There is nothing wrong with traditional composting, but when you’re goal…

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Guerrilla Grafters: Splicing Fruit-Bearing Branches Onto City Trees

Guerilla Grafters

In San Francisco, a new form of covert agriculture is taking root: making fruit trees out of trees that normally don’t bear fruit, and turning an entire city into an orchard. Money, as we all know, doesn’t grow on trees. Food, on the other hand, does. So with the economy dragging, why not turn public…

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