Why Worm Composting Produces the Healthiest Soil on Earth


Compost is organic matter that has been broken down or decomposed.  Food scraps, coffee grinds, paper, wood, leaves, and grass clippings are all examples of organic matter that can be composted.  Compost is a key ingredient in organic farming and maintaining thriving soil fertility. There is nothing wrong with traditional composting, but when you’re goal…

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The Secrets of Soil: A Miraculous, Vibrant, Living Community

When asked about soil, most people will tell you that it’s the dirt we use to grow food.  Soil is not dirt – it is a vibrant, living community of organic matter and contains more living microorganisms than we even know about.  It has been said that 1 million creatures exist in a tablespoon of…

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Biochar Significantly Increases Plant Health and Restores Environment

The future of agriculture is to produce the highest quality, most health-giving foods possible, and in a way that benefits both the earth and its people.  Through the practice of modern agriculture – and its use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, as well as the production of annual grains as staple foods – we have turned…

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