Posts Tagged ‘sustainability’
Passive Solar Home Has No Furnace and Uses 90% Less Electricity to Heat than Regular Home
A doctor’s passion for sustainability inspired him to build what may be the most energy-efficient home in the world. Dr. Gary Konkol’s new house has lots of cool modern features. But the coolest, most modern thing about it might be the feature it lacks: a furnace. This will be Konkol’s first winter in the house,…
Read MoreEarthships 101: The Fundamentals of Radically Sustainable Housing
Earthships demonstrate a way to live in harmony with the planet by encountering natural resources without defeating them. Imagine living in a home that costs you nothing to heat or cool. An Earthship is a passive solar home made out of natural and recycled materials. It is off-grid, getting it’s power from the sun and…
Read MorePerennial Garlic – Plant It once and Harvest For 20 years
There’s a way to grow garlic without replanting each year, explains a Washington gardener. Joe Capriotti doesn’t plant garlic, but every year he harvests hundreds of pounds from his backyard in Montesano, Wash. His technique goes against the common practice of planting and harvesting garlic each year as if it were an annual plant. Most…
Read MoreHow to Build a $300 Underground Greenhouse for Year-Round Gardening
Growers in colder climates need new technologies to extend the growing season so that local food can be supplied to people in any region of the globe. Passive Solar underground greenhouses are one solution. Greenhouses are typically expensive to construct, and heat throughout the winter. A more affordable and efficient alternative to glass greenhouses is…
Read MoreHeirloom Seeds to Create a Nutritious and Delicious Food Garden
Never before has our food supply been more contaminated with pesticides, genetically modified organisms, and other chemicals that make their way onto and into our food during the growing process. Even if we buy organic, there is no guarantee that what we are getting is actually organic. The only way to know for sure is…
Read More20 Places to Find Local Food, Organic and Regenerative Farms Near You
As demand for local regenerative farms continue to rise, more people are asking – where do I find local organic? Where do I find raw milk and join a herd share? Where are the farmers markets, co-ops and stands? Search engines are actually terrible at locating these underground hubs, which makes it so frustrating to…
Read MoreThe Amazing Health Benefits of Grassfed Beef
In this article, you’ll learn why grass fed beef is far superior for your health than conventionally-raised factory farmed beef. Consumers have been led to believe that meat is meat. In other words, no matter what an animal is fed, the nutritional value of its products remains the same. This assertion is false. An animal’s…
Read MoreGuerrilla Grafters: Splicing Fruit-Bearing Branches Onto City Trees
In San Francisco, a new form of covert agriculture is taking root: making fruit trees out of trees that normally don’t bear fruit, and turning an entire city into an orchard. Money, as we all know, doesn’t grow on trees. Food, on the other hand, does. So with the economy dragging, why not turn public…
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