Posts Tagged ‘teeth’
50 Reasons to Oppose Water Fluoridation by Dr. Paul Connett
You’re about to find out 50 reasons why you should oppose water fluoridation and politicians who think they have the right to poison your water supply against your will. By Dr. Paul Connett Professor of Chemistry St. Lawrence University, NY 13617 315-229-5853 1) Fluoride is not an essential nutrient. No disease has ever been…
Read MoreFor a Beautiful Smile: 7 Natural Teeth Whitening Home Remedies
Wash that yellow off your pearly whites with these 7 teeth whitening remedies at home. No one wants a yellow smile, but if you’ve paid attention over the last several years, smiles have gotten whiter and whiter. It’s not completely unusual these days to see a celebrity, newscaster, or other person overly-concerned with their appearance,…
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