The Hidden Danger of Hops in Beer & 3 Ancient Healing Hopless Beer Recipes

sahti hops beer

Modern beer is marketed as sexy and masculine, but if beer is such a macho drink, then why does it contain the most potent estrogenic plant on earth?

The hops in modern beer lowers testosterone, reduces sexual function and fertility and is probably the main cause of the ‘beer gut’ and ‘man boob’ phenomenon that many heavy beer drinkers have.  Furthermore, estrogen is a powerful cause of dementia, stroke, heart disease and cancer.

Beer pouring

The truth is that hops isn’t required to make beer and before it was used, ancient beer recipes were incredibly medicinal.  Hop-free beer is mentally and sexually stimulating.  Some ancient brews, which you will learn about in this presentation, can even raise testosterone.

But in the 1500s, a law was passed that forced German beer makers to abandon their ancient recipes and begin producing modern “cancer beer” with hops in it.

In this presentation you’ll learn why you should never drink hopped beer and where you can get the same ancient sacred recipe beer that sustained and enhanced the physical prowess, health, resilience, fertility and lives of our ancestors.

Modern ‘Cancer Beer’ Ingredients

There are many different types and styles of beer today but
the primary ingredients remain basically the same.

  • Water
  • Barley (or other grains)
  • Hops
  • Yeast
water, barley, hops and yeast modern beer ingredients

Traditional Healing Beer Ingredients

More than one hundred different plants have been used
traditionally in brewing beer.  The most
commonly brewed beer was called Gruit (pronounced Grew-it) and it was
highly medicinal as well as sexually and mentally stimulating.  Then in 1516, the German Beer Purity Act of
1516 was passed, which dictated that only hops, water, barley and yeast could
be used to make beer.

Physiological Effects of Hops

“German beer makers noticed long ago that the young women
who picked hops in fields commonly experienced early menstrual periods.  Eventually, researchers discovered the reason
– hops is perhaps one of the most powerfully estrogenic plants on Earth,”
according to Stephen Harrod Buhner in his book The Natural Testosterone Plan.

hops is estrogenic, beer, gruit

Today, in England, it is well known that hops can powerfully
inhibit men’s sexual potency.  “Brewer’s
Droop” is a term devised for brewers who handle hops, as the estrogen is
readily absorbed through their skin.

Dr. Eugene Shippen wrote in his book The Testosterone
that one of his patients who had been undergoing testosterone
replacement therapy didn’t respond to the treatment until he reduced his
beer intake from six to seven a night down to one or two.

Hops is Highly Estrogenic

Hops belongs to the plant family Cannabaceae, which,
interestingly, is the same family as cannabis.
Just 100 grams of hops can contain as much as 300,000 IU of estrogens.  Most of the estrogen in hops is of the ultra
potent type called estradiol.  Estradiol
directly lowers testosterone in the testes and increases SHBG, which binds up
free testosterone in the bloodstream.[2]  Estradiol has also been found to directly
interfere with the ability of the testes Leydig cells to produce testosterone.[3]  Estrogen also potently inhibits thyroid
function, and there are many more ways testosterone is suppressed by the
estradiol-containing hops.

Licorice: Another Estrogenic Ingredient in Beer

licorice is another estrogenic ingredient off label in beer, hops

Most people are unaware that licorice is commonly used in dark beers as a coloring agent, to increase head and to add sweetness.  Like hops, licorice is highly suppressive of androgen levels and hormone function.  Licorice contains at least seven estrogenic substances, two of which are actual estrogen in the form of cyclestrone and estriol.  Licorice increases cortisol [6]  Licorice also inhibits the enzyme 17-hydroxyprogesterone, which lowers the production of the androgen androstenedione, and lowers testosterone and DHT (because androstenedione is converted into those hormones.) [7]  Licorice directly affects sexual function and libido.

The Truth About Estrogen

Conventional “wisdom” states that estrogen is a female
hormone.  In reality, estrogen is a
mediator of stress and is intimately associated with all chronic degenerative
diseases.  The lies about estrogen as a
female hormone stem from drug companies selling estrogen replacement therapy

The famous 1990’s Women’s Health Initiative study revealed
the effects of supplemental estrogen in women.
Researchers gave a large group of women ERT (estrogen replacement
therapy) but were forced to stop the trial early after participants began
developing cardiovascular disease, stroke, dementia and cancer.[4]

Why Was The Use of Hops in Beer Mandated?

“The presence of this highly estrogenic substance in beer is not an accident.”
- Stephen Harrod Buhner,
The Natural Testosterone Plan

Healthy men with adequate testosterone stand up against the forces of evil in this world.  They protect women and children from harm, solve problems and have lots of babies.  Apparently ‘the powers that be’ don’t want that happening. The good news is, ancient hopless beer is making a big comeback…

Gruit: The Most Popular Ancient Brew

Prior to the German Beer Purity Act of 1516, which mandated the use of hops, the most commonly brewed beer was called Gruit.  Gruit contained a mixture of yarrow, bog myrtle and marsh rosemary.  These herbs made the beer sexually and mentally stimulating, rather than making the drinker tired like hopped beers do.  Many modern craft breweries and microbreweries are keeping the tradition alive and making men healthy by producing their own Gruit and other unhopped beers.  Before I show you some of the incredible ancient brew recipes and where you can get them, let’s look at what makes beer medicinal.

The Medicinal Properties of Beer

  1. Medicinal herbs and plants
    More than one hundred different plants have been used traditionally in brewing beer.  Plants used in brewing were chosen to impart their flavors and aromas to the drink but also for the medicinal properties.
  2. Carbon Dioxide
    More important than oxygen, CO2 is vital for all life.  In the body, carbon dioxide acts as an antioxidant, a vasodilator and is essential for oxygen use by cells via The Bohr Effect.  Much of the CO2 drank in beer, pop or carbonated water is burped up, but the amount that is absorbed will be of benefit.
  3. Brewer’s Yeast
    Brewer’s yeast is rich in B vitamins.  Although all beer is fermented using brewer’s yeast, most brands remove the yeast before bottling and selling it.  Buying beer that has been “bottle-conditioned” means it was carbonated in the bottle and it contains live yeasts.  Look for a layer of yeast on the bottom of the bottle.  Gently swirl the bottle or pour into a glass to mix it in before drinking.

Ancient Beer #1: Gruit Ale

Gruit ales are beers charged with botanicals rather than
hops.  Gruit contains grains, lots of
honey and fruit, and a herbal mixture of yarrow, bog myrtle and marsh
rosemary.  These herbs make the beer
sexually and mentally stimulating, rather than making you tired like hopped

gruit ales, hops and beer

Ancient Beer #2: Spruce Beer

Beers made with spruce tips have a long history in brewing.  Vikings brewed and drank spruce beer to ward
off survy on long voyages.  Scottish
brewer The Williams Brothers is bringing back the traditional non-hopped ales
of Europe and especially Scotland.  Pine
is another tree in the conifer family, like spruce.  The Williams Brothers’ traditional pine ale
made from the Scotch pine, Pinus sylvestris, contains pine pollen, which
contains testosterone.

spruce beer, hops and beer

Ancient Beer #3: Sahti

Sahti is a Finnish beer which is spiced with juniper berries
and twigs.  Before the days of steel
kettles, brewers would put blazing hot river rocks into wooden barrels to heat
and carmelize the bits of mash which would infuse the flavors before

Sahti beer, hops and beer

Celebrate International Gruit Day

Since 2013, craft brewers have banded together to raise
awareness about Gruit and other ancient brews, declaring February 1st
international Gruit day.

international gruit day | hops and beer

Every February, visit one of your local craft breweries and
pick yourself up some Gruit to celebrate and honor the rich history of healthy
unhopped beer.

The Future is ‘Hopless’

There’s no reason why any person should ever consume
hops.  It tastes foul, smells like pee
during brewing, and depending on how much hopped beer one drinks it can be a
major contributor to infertility, sexual dysfunction and disease.  It’s time to revolutionize the international
beer industry by phasing out toxic hops-based beers and replacing them with
Gruit and other unhopped beers.  We do
this not by begging governments to create new laws, but by leveraging market
demands by changing what we purchase.
Our vote in the marketplace is infinitely more powerful at catalyzing
change in this world than a vote for government.

For most breweries at the moment it’s not profitable to
produce gruit and other unhopped beers full-time because the demand for them is
low.  Your job and mine now is to create
enough awareness and demand for these ancient brews that they conquer shelves
and replace the hopped beers.  By buying
and drinking healing ancient brews instead of hops-based brews, together we
will get healthier, smarter, stronger, transform the worldwide beer industry,
and make the world a better place.

Call to Action

To make the worldwide transition to unhopped beer here are
three actionable steps you can take right now to help make that happen.

  1. SHARE this
    presentation on social media to raise awareness about the health consequences
    of hops and the remarkable health benefits of ancient herbal unhopped beers
    like Gruit, Sahti and Spruce beer.
  2. EMAIL this
    presentation to every craft brewery in your town to educate them about the
    dangers of hops and the potent medicinal effects of unhopped beer.  (Many are unaware).
  3. PHONE your local
    craft breweries and ask “Do you have Gruit or and other unhopped beers in
    stock?” until you find one that does and buy it and drink it often and
    responsibly.  Buy a 12 pack of it as a
    gift for your friends and family.
Cheers to unhopped or hop-free beer


Since the days of the ancient hopless beer recipes when men
were strong, confident and virile beer has been changed significantly.  Hops was mandated in beer as a means to reduce
population and reduce the male hormone testosterone, because it creates strong
men who take care of their families, their friends and the world as a whole.  But the power of those in the shadows is
limited to only what we allow them to get away with.  We are victims only of our own spending
habits.  When we stop buying and drinking
beer with hops in it, our health will be enhanced, and the beer available in
the store will shift from hopped to hopless.
It’s time to step into our power and send a message to beer producers
that we no longer want beer with hops in it and instead, wish to return to
drinking the highly medicinal beer once consumed by our ancient ancestors.

Did you learn something new in this presentation?  Please leave a comment below and us know what
it was.


  1. Eugene Shippen and William Fryer, The Testosterone Syndrome (New York: Evans, 1998).
    [View Book on Amazon]
  2. Leavy M, Trottmann M, Liedl B, et al. Effects of Elevated β-Estradiol Levels on the Functional Morphology of the Testis - New Insights. Sci Rep. 2017;7:39931. [View Study]
  3. Chen B, Chen D, Jiang Z, et al. Effects of estradiol and methoxychlor on Leydig cell regeneration in the adult rat testis. Int J Mol Sci. 2014;15(5):7812-26.
  4. Women’s Health Initiative. Available: [May 1, 2019].
  5. Buhner, Stephen Harrod, The Natural Testosterone Plan (Rochester: Healing Arts Press, 2007).
    [View Book on Amazon]
  6. Methlie P, Husebye EE, Hustad S, Lien EA, Løvås K. Grapefruit juice and licorice increase cortisol availability in patients with Addison's disease. Eur J Endocrinol. 2011;165(5):761-9.
  7. Thompson GR, Chang D, Wittenberg RR, Mchardy I, Semrad A. 11β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Inhibition in Posaconazole-Induced Hypertension and Hypokalemia. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2017;61(8).