Prescription Drugs kill 6200 Percent more Americans than Homicidal Shootings
Every singe day 290 people are killed by FDA-approved prescription drugs, and that’s the conservative number published by the Journal of the American Medical Association. But don’t believe me, I’ll quote the source: The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Vol 284, No 4, July 26th 2000, authored by Dr Barbara Starfield, MD, MPH,…
Read MoreBreast Implants: The Cancer Risks The Industry Doesn’t Want You To Know About
While global media attention presently fixates on the increased risk for rupture within silicone-filled breast implants manufactured by the French company PIP, other less well known, but nonetheless serious health risks associated with implanting silicone-based capsules into the breast are not even being discussed. According to conventional sources like Mayo Clinic, saline and silicone breast…
Read MoreStudy: BPA 100x More Harmful Than Previously Thought
The basis for our estimation of the negative health impact from exposure to bisphenol-A has, up until this point, been based on the assumption that its effects in humans would be the same as those found in studies on rats. As we can see by this new research, this could not be farther from the…
Read MoreStudy finds E-Cigarettes Contain 10 Times More Carcinogens than Regular Cigarettes
E-cigarettes work by heating a flavored nicotine-containing liquid, and Japanese scientists have discovered that they contain up to 10 times more cancer-causing substances than regular tobacco. A team of researchers from the Japanese Health Ministry analyzed the vapor content emitted by e-cigarettes, utilizing in their study a special ‘puffing’ machine which inhaled 10 to 15…
Read MoreStudy: Bayer Herbicide Causes Autism, Even at Trace Levels
How convenient that Bayer produces both food which create neurological impairments, and drugs which ‘treat’ neurological impairments. It’s not surprising that the results of this study are being ignored. Researchers in a 2014 study have found a direct link between Bayer’s LibertyLink GMO crops, designed to withstand glufosinate ammonium (GLA) herbicide, directly to autism-like symptoms,…
Read More10 Scientific Reasons to Ban Diet Soda from Your Life
Aspartame, found in diet soda, chewing gum, and even some brands of yogurt, is deceitfully disguised as Nutrasweet, Equal, and Sweet n’ Low. Aspartame is a poison that has been found to actually increase weight gain and have many other devastating effects on the body. Diet soda is hailed by our culture as a health-conscious…
Read MoreCT Scans Can Expose The Body To Radiation Levels More Than 1000 Times Greater Than a Standard X-Ray
CT (computed tomography) scans are now a well established medical imaging procedure which both the government and the scientific community have confirmed increases cancer risk. CT scanners bombard the human body with radiation levels more than 1000 times greater than a standard x-ray. They damage DNA and create mutations that spur cells to grow into…
Read MoreIs Chewing Gum the Most Toxic Substance in the Supermarket?
Nothing in chewing gum is natural. It is chemical goop that in no way contributes to health or is good for your teeth. Don’t be fooled by fancy advertising. Recently, I asked about thirty women, whose ages were mostly under the age of forty, if they carried chewing gum with them. Twenty seven of the…
Read More4 Great Reasons To Filter Fluoride Out Of Your Drinking Water
Fluoride has been added to drinking water supplies all over the world for decades, but that’s all changing as several countries and communities around the world have completely removed and banned the practice of water fluoridation. It’s quite remarkable how much we can find out when we begin to question the world around us, take…
Read MoreStudy Shows Direct Link Between Aluminum Toxicity and Alzheimers by Dr. Mercola
Aluminum has been long known to be neurotoxic, with mounting evidence that chronic exposure is a factor in many neurological diseases, including dementia, autism, and Parkinson’s disease. However, definitive scientific proof is difficult to establish due toth the lack of longitudinal studies, as well as pushback from industries that use aluminum in their products. Despite…
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