Posts Tagged ‘honey’
Urban Beekeeping: How to Start Your Own Honeybee Hive
Many plants produce nectar to encourage insects like bees, wasps, and butterflies to visit their flowers and pollinate them. In this symbiotic relationship, bees use the nectar they gather from flowers to make honey for food, and in the process, pollinate flowers with tiny pollen granules that dust off their hind legs. Many of the…
Read MoreHoney and Sugar Outperform Antibiotic Ointments in Treating Wounds and Burns
Honey or clean white sugar powerfully inhibits bacterial growth and can outperform antibiotic ointments for wound treatment. From Alexander the Great to the American Revolution in 1776, man has fought and incurred severe wounds and amputations on the battlefield, was treated and survived. For thousands of years people have survived without antibiotics, and it’s time…
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