Posts Tagged ‘circumcision’
Home Birth vs Hospital Birth – A Pictoral Display
No words are necessary to describe the difference between hospital birth and home birth. The pictures below speak for themselves. First, I will show you the beauty, then I will show you the beast. Which would YOU choose? Which do you think your baby would prefer? Please note: I do not know the source of…
Read MoreA Growing Number of Mothers Painfully Regret Circumcising Their Children
“… I’m angry at myself. I’m angry at our society that condones and promotes this genital mutilation… I just now realized that my son’s circumcision wounded me as well as him. I carry his pain as well as my guilt,” said one mother. Not only is circumcision damaging to a baby’s physical and emotional health,…
Read MoreBirth Trauma and The Dark Side of Modern Medicine
“May these unconscious parents awaken one day soon and apologize to their children for the harm that they have caused. And may their children find solace in knowing that there was at least one person, one voice, who tried to speak on their behalf, who wanted to protect them, and who really, really cared.” The…
Read MoreThe Rituals of American Hospital Birth by Anthropologist Robbie-David Floyd
“I can remember just almost being in tears by the way they would wheel you in. I would come into the hospital, on top of this, breathing, you know, all in control. And they slap you in a wheelchair! It made me suddenly feel like maybe I wasn’t in control any more.” Why is childbirth,…
Read MoreCircumcision Horrors: 6 Mistakes Doctors can Make Cutting off Foreskin (PICTURES)
Doctors are human beings and make mistakes like the rest of us, and according to a 1995 publication in Journal of Urology in Baltimore, the rate of accidents during circumcision ranges from 1.5% to 15%, which raises the question – is it worth it? This article I’ve written to show you the physical risks of…
Read MoreNew Study in Denmark Reveals Circumcision Increases Chances of Autism by 46%
After examining the lives of 342,877 boys born in Denmark between 1994 and 2003, researchers found that circumcised boys are more likely than intact boys to develop Autism Spectrum Disorder. The study, published in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine in January 2015, was conducted by Professor Morten Frisch in collaboration with statistician Jacob…
Read MoreStudy: Circumcision Permanently Alters the Brain, Researchers Threatened
After discovering that the trauma from circumcision permanently altered the baby’s brain in regions associated with reasoning, perception and emotions, the researchers were threatened to destroy their results or face legal action and immediate dismissal. As a graduate student working in the Department of Epidemiology at Kingston General Hospital, Paul D. Tinari, Ph.D. was approached by…
Read MoreBaby Foreskin in Cosmetics & The Big Business of Circumcision
Power and profit are the two powerful and predominant forces behind the encouragement of circumcision in our culture. Cosmetic companies invest large amounts of their time and effort into the development of products that make skin appear more youthful, such as fillers to minimize the appearance of wrinkles, laser treatments to smooth imperfections, even injections…
Read More8 Negative Effects of Male Circumcision on Female Sexuality
Male circumcision has not only developmental and lifelong emotional consequences for the man, but several studies uncover the negative impact of male circumcision on female sexuality. The mutilation and removal of the foreskin from a baby boy’s genitals has lifelong repercussions for his physical and emotional well being, and also for all relationships and female…
Read MoreBirth Rape: The Violence Inflicted on Mothers and Children During Hospitalized Childbirth
Let’s call a spade a spade. There is sexual violence occurring in hospitals everyday. Women and babies are being violated beyond our capacity to deal with it or even comprehend how dark it is. And fathers are going into shock witnessing their partners and babies being abused and violated. by Jeanice Barcelo Warning: Graphic Images…
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