Chamomile & Thyme Essential Oil Alternative Cancer Treatment: Your Complete Guide

Chamomile alternative cancer treatment

As the western world continues to slash (surgery), burn (radiation), and poison (chemotherapy) patients with cancer, researchers in other parts of the world are discovering powerfully effective anti-cancer substances found in nature. Essential oils have long been used for aromatherapy, but research has found that they can do far more than provide just a pleasing…

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12 Powerful Antibiotics That Don’t Require a Prescription

Oranges antibiotics

In this article you’ll learn about 12 natural antibiotics that you can use to quickly and safely clear an infection. No matter how hard you try to strengthen your immune system and protect your family, sometimes infections happen. When prescription antibiotics are available, the safest and best is tetracycline for its anti-cancer effects and probably…

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What Lurks in Your Microwave Popcorn?

Microwave popcorn bag

Studies have found perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), the chemical notorious in the realm of nonstick cookware, in the lining of microwave popcorn bags. You’ve heard it before: Popcorn is supposed to be a healthy, low-calorie snack, right? Not necessarily. Putting aside for a moment the artificial butter and genetically modified corn that’s potentially in your popcorn…

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Perennial Garlic – Plant It once and Harvest For 20 years

Perennial garlic

There’s a way to grow garlic without replanting each year, explains a Washington gardener. Joe Capriotti doesn’t plant garlic, but every year he harvests hundreds of pounds from his backyard in Montesano, Wash. His technique goes against the common practice of planting and harvesting garlic each year as if it were an annual plant. Most…

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10 Scientific Reasons to Smile More Often

 Not only is smiling proven to be more attractive, but it can help you attain a longer life, happier disposition, and healthier body. “Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” – Thich Nhat Hanh Have you every heard the quip “It takes…

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‘Lemon And Baking Soda Combination Saves Lives,’ says Dr. Mark Sircus


The combination of lemon and baking soda has 10 000 times more stronger effect than chemotherapy. Why was this fact kept a secret? Being totally aware of the powerful properties lemon provides is completely opposite to the interest some world organisations have. For that reason, we recommend you share this article and help a friend…

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Garlic Cures 100 Percent of Warts In Clinical Study

A recent study was completed that found garlic to have incredible healing power against warts and corns. Published in the International Journal of Dermatology and titled “Healing Effect of Garlic Extract on Warts and Corns“, this study found that the common herb known as garlic has amazing healing properties against warts caused by the human…

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Aquaponics 101: How to Grow Fish, Vegetables, Eggs, and Prawns


Aquaponics is a method of food production which utilizes two sustainable technologies simultaneously to create an abundance of food. Aquaculture – Growing aquatic creatures in water Hydroponics – Growing plants without using soil Whereas conventional food production uses chemical pesticides to fertilize and nourish plant growth, aquaponics uses the wastes from one system to fertilize…

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