Posts Tagged ‘electricity’
The Rodin Coil: The Most Important Discovery of All Time? (VIDEO)
The Rodin Coil is claimed by some to be the greatest discovery of all time. In this article you’ll learn about vortex math, Marko Rodin, Randy Powell and their mindblowing discoveries which are changing the world. A man named Randy Powell claims that a 9-digit pattern called Vortex-Based Mathematics (VBM) connects all of science, all…
Read MoreGemasolar Solar Power Plant with Sunflower Shape Boosts Efficiency
Thanks to the sacred geometrical patterns of the sunflower, engineers at the 20 Megawatt Gemasolar concentrated solar power (CSP) plant near Seville, Spain have increased the efficiency of their operation and reached more of solar power’s energy-producing potential. How Does the ‘Gemasolar’ Solar Power Plant Work? Torresol Energy operates a number of concentrated solar power…
Read MoreThorium Superfuel: A Clean, Safe, and Abundant Energy Source?
Thorium is a weakly radioactive metallic element that’s number 90 on the periodic table. It is silver in color but tarnishes black when oxidized, forming thorium dioxide. Thorium is hard yet malleable and has a high melting point. While uranium nuclear reactors, like the ones commonly used today, utilize uranium directly, thorium nuclear reactors derive…
Read More105,000 Smart Meters Removed After Multiple Fires Were Caused by The Device
In Canada, nearly a dozen house fires have been started by newly installed smart meters, causing a massive recall of over 105,000 devices. The meters are Sensus Generation 3.3 smart meters, which were installed by SaskPower, the local government utility monopoly. According to the Ontario Fire Marshal, smart meters have been linked to 23 cases…
Read MoreBiogas: How the U.S. can Power 46 Million Homes with Energy from Food Scraps, Grass Clippings, and Feces
If the U.S. used all of their untapped organic ‘waste’ – humanure, livestock manure, dog & cat manure, grass clippings & leaves, and food waste – they would generate about $54.4 billion in clean Biogas energy every year, at no extra cost. Biogas is a combustible gas mixture generated when organic matter, such as animal…
Read MoreWhy Salt is GOOD for you and Essential for Life
Eating a low salt diet is widely believed to be a healthy choice. Is this true? It’s time to question this belief. No matter how much mineral content animals derive from their diets, they still instinctively seek out natural salt licks in order to make their diets complete… or they die. Sodium chloride is by…
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