The Rodin Coil: The Most Important Discovery of All Time? (VIDEO)
The Rodin Coil is claimed by some to be the greatest discovery of all time. In this article you'll learn about vortex math, Marko Rodin, Randy Powell and their mindblowing discoveries which are changing the world.
A man named Randy Powell claims that a 9-digit pattern called Vortex-Based Mathematics (VBM) connects all of science, all of technology and all of nature around a donut, also called a toroid. But this donut doesn't come with sprinkles and you won't even find it at a coffee shop.
The donut or toroid about which Randy Powel speaks has been named the Rodin Coil after its discoverer Marko Rodin. If the Rodin coil is what Rodin and Powell claim it to be, then it is likely the most important discovery of all time. "They say mathematics is the language of god, but until now nobody has been speaking god's language," said Rodin in a 2010 TED Talk.
Personally I don't understand the Rodin coil and its underlying vortex math or its implications well enough to accurately describe it, so below I'm going to transcribe the words of Randy Powell so you can hear it from the source. The transcription comes from a video which I will post below - so if you learn best with audio and video, head to the bottom and watch it. The video includes a full explanation of vortex math and the rodin coil as well as a number of alleged video demonstrations using the Rodin coil to generate free energy.
What is The Rodin Coil and Vortex Based Mathematics?
Almost 40 years ago, Mark Rodin discovered an unknown mathematical language inherent in nature, and I found the key to model it in 3-dimensional space. The saying is that mathematics is the language of God, but until now nobody has been speaking God's language.
Rodin began searching through all the different ancient knowledges of the world; all the different religions of the world and he found this common thread throughout that they all seemed to be onto this. And there seemed to be this common thread that throughout all the religions the most sacred and cherished thing was the name of God, and the intonation of the name of God.
I'm here speaking because I'm at the forefront of the most advanced mathematics ever known to mankind. What we have is the grand unified field theory, and with it you can create inexhaustible free energy, end all diseases, produce unlimited food, travel anywhere in the universe, build the ultimate supercomputer, artificial intelligence and obsolete all existing technology.
How is it possible to make such outrageous claims? Because we have the secret that connects all of the world's technologies together: numbers. We discovered that numbers are real; a living language; a jigsaw puzzle which when pieced together no longer creates a rendition or approximation of reality - numbers are reality.
They're neither flat nor arbitrary, nor imaginary, nor irrational, they're actually points or locations that fold out into a 3d shape defining space and time literally.
Mr. Rodin discovered an equation that was so eloquent in simplicity that it involved no more than 9 numbers around a circle. And with it you can do all the functions of all the branches of math instantly. It displays a perfect spin symmetry of numbers forming mirror images like our two hands - a feat that's baffled countless scientists and mathematicians.
When you look at this symbol you immediately see that it's composed of two aspects. One is this 'lazy-8' or the infinity symbol, and the other is the red pyramid at the top. The infinity symbol is the equation for the physical world we live in; it's a circuit or a pathway of motion. Six numbers that form a hexagon, thus such diverse phenomenon is bipolarizing. Beehives, Saturn's north pole and snowflakes are all versions of this hexagon. These shapes form pathways for any matter in motion, which is never straight but always at an angle.
Nothing in the physical world ever moves in a straight line - not a bullet shooting, not lightning coming down out of the sky. Everything is a coil, even a photon coming from a distant star. Our body is called a mortal coil. Our DNA is a coil, and it's no coincidence it matches our equation perfectly. It makes us into a vortex machine, it sucks things in at the top and shoots them out at the bottom. As it does this it regulates its own temperature - a really important concept for technologies that are always overheating.
It's an imploding, exploding machine - a gyroscope; an antennae built to perfectly transmit and receive waveforms. In fact, Marko's antennae designs are protecting the four corners of the United States because they were found to be the most sensitive antennae's ever created.
Around the same time he also presented at the largest genetic engineering conference in the world on DNA sequencing, thus proving the ability of this math to cross between the sciences. Jonas Salk, who was the inventor of the Polio vaccines, stated that this work was so advanced it would never be understood in Marko's lifetime unless he cloned himself. And so maybe that's what I am.
But what's the connection between all these sciences? And the answer is simple: It's doubling. When you follow what these numbers are doing you get doubling - and why might that be significant? Our cells double to create us, musical scales are doubling, binary codes, nuclear reactions, squares and square roots - all doubling.
Doubling is motion at an angle, or what is called angular momentum. It's the whirlwind and treadmill of creation. It spins the atoms in our bodies, the earth on its axis, the solar system, the galaxy, the whole universe. So what causes this doubling? What is it that's being transmitted and received. And that's where that red pyramid comes in.
The red pyramid is representative of what we call a flux field. At the center of electricity is magnetism. At the center of magnetism is a flux. It's a higher-dimensional energy known by many names such as dark energy, tachyons, monopoles, gravitons - we call it etheron energy. It's the energy that's keeping us conscious and alive, and it's not a static or stationary energy - it's a pulse, a surge, it's the beating heart of all existence. It's the ultimate fundamental particle in the universe, the God particle, and I know how to harness it.
This energy is the source of all motion, time and vibration. It's the only thing that comes from the whole or the zero. It eminates linearly in all directions, penetrating everything without any resistance; It can not be shielded. As it penetrates it leaves a grain, which shows you how things move, it shows you how things stick together or come apart. It animates everything. It's the source of the non-decaying spin of the electron.
If you combine it with a coil you get a perfect mathematical vortex consisting of a positive electromagnetic energy radiating out and a negative backdraft counterspace which is the same as gravity. Etheron's are literally the glue that holds the universe together. Einstein called it an inertia ether. Ultimately when this is arranged in true 3D-shape, which is what I discovered, it forms a shape commonly known as a torus or a donut.
Nearly 20-years later what I found was this: Essentially this thing is a heat-sink, it's a temperature regulator just like your human body. It's universal geometry designed for maximum efficiency and energy transformation and an ecological method by which the universe reprocesses matter, using it as a coolant source, to bathe the self at the core of a black hole and then dissipate heat away out of a white hole. It's based on compression and decompression, just like we use to control temperatures in technologies like refrigerators.
The big bang was just one of these reactions, giving birth to this expanding universe, which is expanding because we're on the southern half. The northern half is contracting. As space expands, time contracts, black hole to white hole.
The torus is what everything becomes at its maximum acceleration. Your blood cells are a torus, DNA is a torus, magnetic fields, galaxies - all torus'. That's why a tornado is more powerful than an atom bomb. It's a one-way living systemic electrical machine. I found a way to calculate this torus in a perfect 3D, 4D and higher mathematical hologram that can be scaled up and down to infinity. With it, it's possible to create a local space time implosion, a controlled desktop black hole.
This is the final technology; the philosopher's stone. A reactionless drive unaffected by any weight that it carries. It's the true model of an atom and with it I have the key to the periodic table, which a professor at the University of North Carolina told me could be the greatest discovery of all time.
Simply put, this torus does it all. It's a blueprint for a perfectly efficient magnetic field-generating coil, a spaceship, a surgical tool, and even a high-fidelity speaker all-in-one.
Benefits of The Rodin Coil and Vortex Math
Some of the alleged benefits of The Rodin Coil and vortex mathematics claimed by Randy Powell are:
- Inexhaustible free energy
- An end to all disease
- Produce unlimited food
- Travel anywhere in the universe
- Build the ultimate supercomputer
- Obsolete all existing technology
Unfortunately, despite Marko Rodin's work being peer-reviewed by some of the most prestigious names in science, it has suffered from a tremendous lack of attention. Because of their unwillingness to sell out to private interests, the information remains in the hands of exhausted volunteers like Randy Powell.
The goal of Marko Rodin and his volunteers at Vortex Based Mathematics is "to create a grassroots energy and technology revolution by turning this knowledge over to the public in an open-source project. Science museum exhibits for kids, a simple book, a simple DVD, that's all we're looking to do. We want to turn it into the hands of the people to produce and save the whole world".
Marko Rodin Contact Information:
USA Tel: +1-760-270-9690