Posts Tagged ‘farming’
Study: Sustainable Farming Proven to Increase Yield at Zero Cost
In potentially “the most important agricultural study this year,” researchers find that sustainable farming methods can help conventional agriculture “shed much of its chemical use,” according to New York Times writer and food author Mark Bittman. The Marsden Farm study, conducted by a team of government and university researchers, is a large-scale, long-term experiment that…
Read MoreUN Official: We Have Only 60 Years of Farming Left Unless We Switch to Regenerative Agriculture
According to a senior UN official, if the current rates of soil degradation continue, all of the world’s topsoil could be gone within 50 years. The Food and Agriculture Organization has reported that unless we adopt new approaches to growing food, such as organic and permaculture principles, the global amount of land suitable for food…
Read MoreIncredible Food Forest has Over 150 Types of Fruits and Vegetables on 1/4 Acre of Land
Longtime gardener and permaculture educator Dr. Bob Randall has a created a food forest, just outside his front door, that produces 90% of the food he consumes. In a world where the front and back yards of the majority of homes are being used to grow inedible grass, wasting gas, fertilizer, and the time it…
Read MoreHospital in Pennsylvania Using Organic Produce to Heal Patients
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine thy food” is what founder of modern medicine Hippocrates said way back in 431 B.C. Today a Pennsylvania hospital is doing exactly that, healing patients by feeding them organic produce during their stay. Despite the founder of modern medicine urging the use of food as medicine, here we…
Read MoreCan Human Urine Replace Chemical Fertilizers?
The Rich Earth Institute in Brattleboro, Vermont, is likely the only organization measuring success in gallons of urine. In 2012, Kim Nace, Rich Earth’s administrative director and partner Abe Noe-Hays collected 600 gallons of urine from friends and neighbors. The next year, the organization brought in about 3,000 gallons from 170 human volunteers. Rebecca Rueter,…
Read MoreThinking About Raising Chickens? Start Here.
Whether you decide to keep chickens for eggs, meat, show or just companionship, learning to care for them is easy and rewarding, providing that you know some basics. Local laws, such as zoning and other ordinances, may end your chicken enterprise before it takes flight. The best way to avoid conflicts is to check with…
Read More10 Homemade Organic Pesticides for Your Farm or Garden
For your own health, as well as health of the environment, it’s essential that we move away from the use of chemical pesticides in farming and home gardening. There are several homemade pesticides that are safe for the environment and they can be equally as effective at fending off pests. Mild soap and water. One…
Read MorePerennial Garlic – Plant It once and Harvest For 20 years
There’s a way to grow garlic without replanting each year, explains a Washington gardener. Joe Capriotti doesn’t plant garlic, but every year he harvests hundreds of pounds from his backyard in Montesano, Wash. His technique goes against the common practice of planting and harvesting garlic each year as if it were an annual plant. Most…
Read MoreAquaponics 101: How to Grow Fish, Vegetables, Eggs, and Prawns
Aquaponics is a method of food production which utilizes two sustainable technologies simultaneously to create an abundance of food. Aquaculture – Growing aquatic creatures in water Hydroponics – Growing plants without using soil Whereas conventional food production uses chemical pesticides to fertilize and nourish plant growth, aquaponics uses the wastes from one system to fertilize…
Read MoreCanadian Urban Farmer Grows 50,000lbs of Food on Less than 1 Acre of Land
“What if I told you that there was a way you could live off the land, farm commercially, be a direct solution to food security, economic inequality, and environmental degradation, build community ties and social capital, and make a living out of it?”, says urban farmer Curtis Stone, CEO of Green City Acres. Green City…
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