Study: Chocolate Melts Fat and Provides Significant Health Benefits

Chocolate dark

The saturated cocoa butter contained in chocolate is highly stable and a powerful metabolic enhancer that can help you lose weight. A new observational study published in the journal Nutrition, confirms that chocolate consumption may have significant health benefits. The European study titled, “Association between chocolate consumption and fatness in European adolescents,” found a higher…

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Essiac Tea Alternative Cancer Treatment: Your Complete Guide

Essiac tea alternative cancer treatment

Essiac tea is a herbal remedy pioneered and used to treat cancer patients by Canadian nurse Rene Caisse. Whilst working in a northern Ontario hospital, in 1922, she noticed a healed scar on the breast of an elderly patient. The woman explained that thirty years earlier a Toronto doctor had diagnosed cancer and had recommended…

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Turpentine and Kerosene Alternative Cancer Treatments: Your Complete Guide

Turpentine pine tree alternative cancer treatment

Turpentine and Kerosene have been used medicinally since ancient times and are being used by poorer countries like Russia, Eastern Europe, and Africa to this day.  In ancient Babylon, petrolium distillates were used to treat stomach problems, inflammation and ulcers.  A recent study in Nigeria found that almost 70 per cent of its population use…

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School Garden Programs ‘Sprouting Up’ in Toronto and All Across the World

School garden

Students learn more than horticulture when they get their hands dirty. Red and yellow tulips are blooming at Winchester Public School in downtown Toronto, but that’s not all that is growing there. Students are planting radishes, spinach, parsley, carrots and mouse melons, too. Composting is the lesson for the day in this large food garden. “The worms…

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Why Salt is GOOD for you and Essential for Life

salt is good for you

Eating a low salt diet is widely believed to be a healthy choice.  Is this true?  It’s time to question this belief. No matter how much mineral content animals derive from their diets, they still instinctively seek out natural salt licks in order to make their diets complete… or they die. Sodium chloride is by…

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Dogs: Why Two Walks a Day on Leash is Not Enough

Happy dog

As backyards get smaller and dog-owners get busier, dogs are increasingly struggling to get the exercise they need to be healthy. Today we see about as many unhealthy dogs as humans, and in both cases one of the primary causes is likely a lack of movement and exercise.  The fact is, a short walk on…

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Mammography: A Colossal Failure & How to Prevent Breast Cancer

Mammogram machine

“If a woman starts at age 40 with no cancer and has a mammogram every year, by the time she’s 50, she will have increased her chances of getting cancer by 33.3%.  The cumulative effect of radiation from mammograms is actually giving women cancer and noone wants us to know about that.” – Dr. Russel…

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8 Ways Society is Feminizing the Human Male

Masculine men

“We’re on the fast track to extinction. In the past 50 years, sperm counts in men have dropped 50 percent, while the average man’s testosterone and sperm count has plummeted 20 percent in just the last 20 years.” – Ori Hofmekler Through years of research into health and nutrition, I’ve noticed that there exists a…

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Labyrinths: Ancient Secret for Modern Stresses


When Liza Ingrasci was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer at age 52, the stress of surgery and chemotherapy was compounded by her sister’s treatment for lung cancer at the same time. “I was stretched emotionally and physically thinner than I’d ever been and needed to reduce the fear and anxiety about my own life-threatening…

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