Posts Tagged ‘Peace’
6 Incredible Health Benefits Of Dry Skin Brushing
Dry Skin Brushing is a health-strategy that has recently been gaining in popularity for its ability to detoxify the body, improve circulation, promote relaxation, increase immune function, and give skin a healthy glow. This article will show you some of the surprisingly potent benefits of this simple practise. It won’t cure cancer on its own,…
Read MoreCannabis Oil Cures Infant of Cancer, Dissolves Inoperable Tumor
An 8 month old child was treated with cannabis twice er day and within two months there was a dramatic reduction in the baby’s tumor size. According to Dr. William Courtney, the western medical mind has a very hard if not impossible time trying to understand the diverse actions of Cannabidiol. A Doctor of Medicine…
Read MoreStudy: Therapy Dogs Boost Health of the Sick and Lonely
Most people are familiar with dogs that assist their blind or otherwise disabled owners. Therapy dogs offer a different kind of help. Some pay informal social visits to people to boost their spirits, while others work in a more structured environment with trained professionals like physical therapists and social workers to help patients reach clinical…
Read MoreCarbon Dioxide – The Essential Nutrient that Boosts Plant Growth, Size, and Yields
If you ask people about carbon dioxide, most will tell you that its a waste product that is causing Global Warming and destroying the planet. In reality, CO2 is a planet-saving nutrient that holds the power to multiply food production and feed the entire world with exceptionally nutritious food. “The benefits of carbon dioxide supplementation…
Read MoreHow to Build a $300 Underground Greenhouse for Year-Round Gardening
Growers in colder climates need new technologies to extend the growing season so that local food can be supplied to people in any region of the globe. Passive Solar underground greenhouses are one solution. Greenhouses are typically expensive to construct, and heat throughout the winter. A more affordable and efficient alternative to glass greenhouses is…
Read MoreStudy: Chocolate Melts Fat and Provides Significant Health Benefits
The saturated cocoa butter contained in chocolate is highly stable and a powerful metabolic enhancer that can help you lose weight. A new observational study published in the journal Nutrition, confirms that chocolate consumption may have significant health benefits. The European study titled, “Association between chocolate consumption and fatness in European adolescents,” found a higher…
Read MoreEssiac Tea Alternative Cancer Treatment: Your Complete Guide
Essiac tea is a herbal remedy pioneered and used to treat cancer patients by Canadian nurse Rene Caisse. Whilst working in a northern Ontario hospital, in 1922, she noticed a healed scar on the breast of an elderly patient. The woman explained that thirty years earlier a Toronto doctor had diagnosed cancer and had recommended…
Read MoreMammography: A Colossal Failure & How to Prevent Breast Cancer
“If a woman starts at age 40 with no cancer and has a mammogram every year, by the time she’s 50, she will have increased her chances of getting cancer by 33.3%. The cumulative effect of radiation from mammograms is actually giving women cancer and noone wants us to know about that.” – Dr. Russel…
Read MoreLabyrinths: Ancient Secret for Modern Stresses
When Liza Ingrasci was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer at age 52, the stress of surgery and chemotherapy was compounded by her sister’s treatment for lung cancer at the same time. “I was stretched emotionally and physically thinner than I’d ever been and needed to reduce the fear and anxiety about my own life-threatening…
Read MoreTop 10 Cannabis Studies the Government Wished it Had Never Funded
It turns out, it’s not just people who do stupid things that they end up regretting – governments do them too! One such regret is the public funding of scientific research showing that cannabis is both safe and effective for a myriad of diseases. We’ve come a long way since the days of Reefer Madness…
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