Turpentine and Kerosene Alternative Cancer Treatments: Your Complete Guide

Turpentine pine tree alternative cancer treatment

Turpentine and Kerosene have been used medicinally since ancient times and are being used by poorer countries like Russia, Eastern Europe, and Africa to this day.  In ancient Babylon, petrolium distillates were used to treat stomach problems, inflammation and ulcers.  A recent study in Nigeria found that almost 70 per cent of its population use…

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Cancer is NOT What You Think it is | by Cancer Expert and Bestselling Author of Cancer: The Metabolic Disease Unravelled

cancer is not what you think it is

The idea that when somebody is diagnosed with cancer we must kill the cancer before the cancer kills them, is a deadly and unscientific mythology that has resulted in the unnecessary suffering and death of millions of people.  Only if a cancer cell or tumor is viewed as some kind of monster-like creature that’s hell-belt…

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Is Cancer a Genetic Disease?

Remember in 2010, when the National Cancer Institute’s own multi-billion dollar Cancer Genome Atlas Project shocked scientists and researchers across the world by proving that cancer has nothing to do with your genetics? Yeah, it happened. We are commonly told that cancer is a genetic disease; that if somebody in your family has had cancer…

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The Shocking History of Cancer Surgery

cancer surgery

Get ready for the jawdropping history of Cancer Surgery, detailing how carving out tumors from cancer patients has gained public acceptance over the past 500 years. You’ll also learn about four of the most brutal and gruesome cancer surgeries ever developed.  I hope this information inspires you to ask your doctor for evidence before accepting…

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Where is the Cure? – The War on Cancer Update

where is the cure war on cancer

What has the $500 billion dollars spent on Cancer research since the War on Cancer was declared in 1970 amounted to? There has been no cure and absolutely no progress has been made! In fact, more people are dying from the disease than ever before.

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My Story: Losing My Mother to Cancer at Age 12

losing my mother to cancer

This is the story of how I lost my mother to cancer at age 12, and how I turned tragedy into opportunity – and the legacy of my mother from a victim of cancer to a hero who inspired her son to save lives and change the world. My entrance into this world came on…

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Mammography: Does Breast Cancer Early Detection Save Lives?

Mammography for Breast Cancer_ Does it Save Lives_(1)

This article on early detection for breast cancer with mammography is a chapter from my book Cancer Cured.  If you find it helpful, please support my work and buy my book on Amazon. LIKE ALL BUSINESSES, the cancer industry requires a steady flow of customers in order to generate revenue.  The way it accomplishes this…

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Radiotherapy for Cancer: Medicine or Murder?

radiotherapy for cancer

This article on radiotherapy is a chapter from my book Cancer Cured.  If you find it helpful, please support my work and buy my book on Amazon. When I was 12 years old my mother died of cancer.  Since then I’ve made it my goal in life to ensure that no child has to go…

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Is Cancer a Genetic Disease?

Is cancer a genetically mutated monster?

The cancer industry is fully committed to the idea that a cancer cell is a genetic frankenstein cell whose only goal is to destroy and kill the patient.  This is the only way the use of knives (surgery), toxic injections (chemotherapy) and ionizing radiation (radiotherapy) can be justified as treatments.  If it is ever proven…

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Cancer: The Mystery Solved (Part 1)

Cancer The Mystery Solved

After spending the past 3 years researching and writing my book on cancer, it’s time to share with the world everything I’ve learned. In this five part series, all of the greatest mysteries of cancer will be unravelled, including:  What is cancer?  What is a tumor?  What are the most effective ways of reversing them? …

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