Posts Tagged ‘oncology’
Doctor Pleads Guilty to Misdiagnosing Patients with Cancer for Profit (VIDEO)
Dr. Fata admitted to diagnosing patients with cancer who didn’t have cancer, treating them with chemotherapy, and then billing insurance companies millions of dollars for the unnecessary treatments. With his head held low in the courtroom in late 2014, Dr. Farid Fata pleaded guilty to 16 charges, including money laundering and conspiracy, for which U.S.…
Read MoreDichloroacetate (DCA) Alternative Cancer Treatment: Your Complete Guide
The drug dichloroacetate (DCA) has so much potential for treating the metabolic dysfunction seen in cancer that the drug is undoubtedly perceived as a threat by the $126 Billion dollar cancer industry. When a healthy cell becomes damaged, it commits suicide and kills itself in a process called apoptosis. When a healthy cell becomes cancerous,…
Read MoreCannabis Oil Alternative Cancer Treatment: Your Complete Guide
This article will show you virtually everything you need to know about cannabis medicine – including the story of Rick Simpson, 8 people who have cured themselves of cancer, 10 medical studies on cannabis vs cancer, and most importantly, the exciting future of cannabis medicine. Cannabis is a beautiful and aromatic flowering plant that includes…
Read MoreMilk Thistle Alternative Cancer Treatment: Your Complete Guide
The bright-purple flowering plant with glossy, marbled leaves known as Milk Thistle, has been shown in many scientific studies to kill cancer cells, with no side effects. Used in herbal medicine in the treatment of liver diseases for years, Milk thistle was originally native to Southern Europe through to Asia, but can now be found…
Read More63-Year-Old Man Cures His Liver Cancer with Cannabis Oil
After being diagnosed with liver cancer, Mike Cutler received a liver transplant and was given a new shot at life. Then, in late 2012, the disease came back, and he decided to treat himself with home-made Cannabis oil. Mike Cutler, a 63 year old retired builder from Hastings, East Sussex, England, was diagnosed with cancer…
Read MoreBitter Melon Alternative Cancer Treatment: Your Complete Guide
Bitter Melon Juice (diluted to 5%) destroyed 90% of two pancreatic cancer cell lines, and an astounding 98% of two other cell lines, all within just 72 hours of treatment. When pursuing alternative cancer treatments, it’s important that you find ones which not only kill cancer cells, but ones that do so without harming healthy…
Read MoreDandelion Alternative Cancer Treatment: Your Complete Guide
The dandelion, which grows in abundance on front lawns everywhere, doubles as a medicine that has been shown in studies to kill cancer cells. In this article, you will discover the science behind the dandelion’s potent anti-cancer effects, and learn about a man who cured himself of cancer using dandelion tea. Although turf lawns are…
Read MoreStudy: Chemotherapy Increases Cancer Growth and Cancer Cell Resistance to Treatment
“We have a multi-billion dollar industry that is killing people, right and left, just for financial gain. Their idea of research is to see whether two doses of this poison is better than three doses of that poison.” – Glen Warner, M.D. oncologist. The cancer treatment scam, known as chemotherapy, has been shown in scientific…
Read MoreStudy finds Chemotherapy Ineffective 97% of the Time
A study published in 2004 found that Chemotherapy treatment is a death sentence for 97% of people who receive it. Published in December 2004, a study revealed that the use of chemotherapy in adult cancer “cured” the patient only 2.1% of the time in the USA, and 2.3% of the time in Australia. For the…
Read More40 Women With Breast Cancer Had This “Cosmetic Ingredient” in Their Tissues
New research has detected the presence of paraben esters in 99 percent of breast cancer tissues sampled.1 The study examined 40 women who were being treated for primary breast cancer. In 60 percent of cases, five of the different esters were present. Parabens are chemicals with estrogen-like properties, and estrogen is one of the hormones involved…
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