Study Proves Cordless Phones and Routers Affect the Heart
An international team of researchers recently discovered that in some individuals, the 2.4 GHz pulsed signals emitted by a cordless phone system produce significant disruptions in cardiac rhythm.
The researchers demonstrated that 40 percent of healthy volunteers in their study showed marked increases in heart rate, arrhythmias, and other disturbances in heart rate variability following exposure to active cordless phone base stations. This is the same type of cordless phone that many people use in their homes and the same frequency as everyday wireless routers that millions of people have in homes, offices and schools.
“Sensitivity to electromagnetic radiation is the emerging health problem of the 21st century. It is imperative health practitioners, governments, schools and parents learn more about it. The human health stakes are significant”.
– Dr. William Rea, MD
Holistic Primary Care reports:
“This is the first objective evidence of cardiovascular effects associated with wireless EMF exposure, and it lends quantitative vindication to the concept of ‘electrohypersensitivity,’ the sense some people have that they become physically ill when close to EMF fields from cell phones, microwave ovens, computers, fluorescent lighting systems, and WiFi networks.”
Proof That EMF Health Effects are Real
A cordless phone base station placed about two feet from your head and plugged in for three minutes at a time can significantly disrupt your heart rhythm, according to a new study led by Magda Havas, PhD, of the Environmental & Resources Studies Department at Trent University, Canada.
This study was completely objective, directly measuring volunteers’ heart responses to radiation while the volunteers were unaware of whether or not they were being exposed — and still an effect was noted.
This is among the most solid proof that the effects of wireless radiation are real, as are the symptoms that some people readily experience when they’re around other microwave-emitting devices.
As written on Dr. Havas’ Web site:
“The sympathetic nervous system up regulated and the parasympathetic nervous system down regulated during exposure, which is the typical “flight-or-fight” stress response. Feelings of anxiety as well as pain or pressure in the chest were associated with the rapid or irregular heart beat among some of the participants tested.
This test is objective and directly measures the heart’s response to radiation and is unlike subjective testing, where scientists ask individuals if they know whether a device is turned on or off and then determine their “sensitivity” based on perception of exposure, which is just that perception and NOT sensitivity.
It clearly documents that some individuals are hypersensitive to specific frequencies and supports complaints people have when they are exposed to radiation, including a racing or fluttering heart, pain or pressure in the chest, and feelings of anxiety that resemble the onset of a heart attack.”
The graphic below shows this effect very clearly:
Much of the research surrounding harmful effects of wireless radiation involves cell phones, and there is reason for concern in this area. However, what is often overlooked is the fact that cordless phones can have the same effects as cell phones or even potentially worse.
DECT (2.4GHz and 5.8GHz) phones use a digital pulsed signal even when no call is being placed. In fact, the base station of a DECT phone always transmits at full power, while the cell phone transmits during a call and only when the user is actively talking. Portable phones, we hear, are in development that do not constantly radiate but are not yet available for the U.S. market. They have recently been introduced in Germany.
The transmission power is approximately 250mW, which is well under federal “safety” guidelines (1000 microW/cm2), yet Dr. Havas’ study showed potentially serious health effects. In addition to the radiation, the pulsed signal is approximately 100Hz, which is within the biological range and therefore likely to cause adverse health effects as well.
Further, the cordless phone base station used in the study uses the same frequency — a pulsed digital signal at 2.4 GHz — as the Wi-Fi in many schools. If this level of exposure has the potential to disrupt adult heart rates, what effect might it be having on children?