Top 10 Reasons You Should Use a Bidet

If you’ve been wiping your ass with dry paper your entire life so far, then it probably seems normal to you. The reality is toilet paper wasn’t invented until the mid to late 1800s. Have you ever asked yourself what people did before then to clean themselves after going to the bathroom?
Since most people don’t really question their reality, they’ve been tricked into buying probably the most useless and nonsensical product in history. Toilet paper is a product which,
• Costs money
• Is highly toxic
• Is environmentally destructive; not even bugs are dumb enough to destroy their own environment. And most of all…
• IT DOESN’T WORK! Wiping your ass with toilet paper is like showering by wiping your body with a dry towel.
In this article you’re going to learn what people did to clean themselves before the invention of toilet paper, what some toilet paperless cultures of today use to clean themselves, and 10 reasons why you should ditch the toilet paper and begin using one of the greatest products in personal hygiene ever invented: A bidet.
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Ancient Toilet Paper Methods

Fur, sand, shells and stones have all historically been used before toilet paper was ever invented.
According to the book The Porcelain God: A Social History of the Toilet,
- Ancient Romans used sea sponges attached to sticks
- Medieval monks used cloth cut from old clerical robes
- French royalty used necks of geese
- Many people in rural United States used corn cobs
Modern Day Toilet Paper-less Cultures

In Islam it’s a mandate that water be used after going to the bathroom; this is usually done with a pot called a Lota. In India, the only cleaning tools provided in many bathrooms are water and a bucket. In Japan, bidet-style toilet seats are a common household item.
Here are the 10 reasons you should ditch the toilet paper and switch to a bidet.
#1: Toilet Paper Doesn’t Work!

Wiping your ass with toilet paper is the equivalent of showering by wiping your entire body with a dry towel. It’s the water running off your skin in a shower that cleans you.
Toilet paper literally smears things around, undoubtedly leaving particles of feces behind, which can increase your risk of urinary tract infections.
Gastroenterologist Partha Nandi has said that regular bidet use has been shown to reduce a person’s risk of haemorrhoids, since toilet paper can be very irritating.[1]
The bottom line is that toilet paper is unhygienic and leaves you dirty.
#2: Toilet Paper is Toxic
Toilet paper is dyed white with chlorine and chlorine dioxide, which can cause any number of diseases via cytochrome c oxidase inhibition, including cancer.
Numerous studies have also shown that recycled paper products, including toilet paper, contain the chemical bisphenol A (BPA), which can be absorbed through your skin (transdermally).[2]
BPA is estrogenic and plays a role in male and female infertility, early onset of puberty, breast and prostate tumors, and polycystic ovary syndrome.[3-4]
Just think of using toilet paper like taking an estrogen supplement every time you wipe.
The famous Women’s Health Initiative study in the early 1990s tested the effects of supplemental estrogen on women, but was forced to stop early because participants began developing cardiovascular disease, stroke, dementia and cancer.[5]
#3: Toilet Paper is a Waste of Money

While toilet paper isn’t going to break the bank, the time and effort spent buying it adds up.
Say one adult spends on average $200 a year on toilet paper. That can amount to a free vacation every few of years.
The bottom line is how much do you value your time? I don’t know about you but I work hard for my money, and I don’t want to waste even one cent of it on something I don’t need.
The bottom line is spending that money isn’t necessary and money isn’t easy to make in this day and age. Not buying toilet paper amounts to money that can be used on something else.
#4: Toilet Paper Demolishes Forests

Producing a single roll of toilet paper requires:
- 37 gallons of water
- 1.3 kilowatt hours of electricity
- 1.5 pounds of wood
Each year, toilet paper in the US consumes anywhere between 7.5-54 million trees[6].
In 2006, Greenpeace reported that some types of toilet paper and other tissue products are a “serious factor in the destruction of Canada’s ancient forests.”
Flushing toilet paper adds a significant load onto city sewer systems and water treatment plants.
By switching to a bidet you can virtually eliminate toilet paper use, or easily reduce it by 75%. If everyone did this, each year we would all save hundreds of dollars not buying toilet paper, thousands of dollars in medical bills and millions of trees from deforestation.

#5: No More Pain
No more pain after wiping your anus raw from too many wipes.
#6: No More Itchiness
No more bouncing around in your chair at school or work trying to scratch the itchy asshole that you got because you smeared poo all over the place by using toilet paper.
#7: No More Clogged Toilets
Never have to get out the plunger and deal with a clogged toilet ever again.
#8: No More Stinky Fingers
No more stinky fingers when your finger accidentally tears through the toilet paper while wiping.
#9: No More Skid Marks
No more tire tracks in your undies at the end of the day.
#10: No More Wiping Again Hours Later
No more having to return to the washroom hours later to clean up the itchy mess that was left behind from wiping.
4 Types of Bidets

The Joystick Bidet
The joystick-style bidet is the type I use and recommend. It’s inexpensive and easy to install and I’ve had mine for 7 years and it still works perfectly.

- Slim and Durable Design
- Designed to Fit Any Toilet
- Dual Nozzles for male and female wash
- Self-cleaning nozzles
- Quick and easy install
- Built to Last: Made of Metal + Ceramic
- Non-electric
As one amazon customer put it, “I received this 3 months ago, I wanted a good testing period before posting. In short, simply a wow and a must have.”
To check out this bidet, go to:
The Cadillac of Bidets
The electronic inline bidet is the ultimate bidet experience. It comes with a whole bunch of luxurious features, including heated seat, heated water and a cool blue remote, all of which are all controllable by wireless remote.

- Heated Seat
- Heated Water
- Cool blue night light
- 3 washes: Front, rear and vortex stream
- Hydroflush self cleaning technology
- Wireless remote
To check out the electronic inline bidet, go to:
After the Spray

After you’re done spraying the area clean, you’ll need something to wipe the area dry. A friend of mine from Florida uses a couple squares of toilet paper to do the job, and that will certainly work, but for me it wasn’t enough. I went and purchased some organic cotton and hemp wipes, which I use and reuse. That combined with the bidet has allowed me to reduce my toilet paper use tremendously, by at least 75%.
To check out the bidet wipes I use and recommend, go to:
- Why you should ditch toilet paper for good – for the sake of your health. (2018, Nov 6). The Sun. Available: [April 5, 2019].
- Liao C, Kannan K. Widespread occurrence of bisphenol A in paper and paper products: implications for human exposure. Environ Sci Technol. 2011;45(21):9372-9. - Konieczna A, Rutkowska A, Rachoń D. Health risk of exposure to Bisphenol A (BPA). Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig. 2015;66(1):5-11. - Seachrist DD, Bonk KW, Ho SM, Prins GS, Soto AM, Keri RA. A review of the carcinogenic potential of bisphenol A. Reprod Toxicol. 2016;59:167-82. - Women’s Health Initiative. Available: [December 1, 2016].
- Wipe or Wash? Do bidets save forest and water resources? Scientific American. Available: [April 5th, 2019].